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Namjoon and you stayed at the aquarium a bit longer after the kiss, and just before you left, the both of you visited the gift shop.

The two of you separated, and went to go look for something to buy for each other, and you had also decided to buy something for your adorable nephew who had wanted to tag along earlier. This was the second time you had let go of his hand, but the two of you agreed to keep what you buy, a surprise for the other person.

Your eyes roved over the different shelves and stands for a while, until something attracted your eyes, causing a smile to slowly appear.

Taking one of them, after eyeing it and making sure that it was a good choice. Then, you grabbed something else for Jae-hwa, before heading to the counter to pay.

But first, you looked around to see Namjoon on the opposite side of the shop. Cheering silently, you speedwalk, and you were able to pay for the gifts without Namjoon noticing. You kept a close eye on him when you were waiting.

He looked near your direction, and you waved to get his attention. It was successful and you pointed to the entrance/exit of the shop. When he nodded, you walked out and sat on a nearby bench to wait for Namjoon.

A couple of minutes later, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You flinched but relaxed when you saw that it was just Namjoon, who was also carrying a bag similar to yours, but smaller.

"Can I give you yours now?" Namjoon asked, excitement clear in his voice and dimples on full display as he lightly swung the bag.

And who were you to say no — after all, you also wanted to see what he had gotten you. Nodding, you tugged him a bit so that he was now sitting beside you.

Namjoon put his hand in the bag, before halting his movements to look at you. "Close your eyes."

Narrowing your eyes at him playfully, you obliged and waited as you heard the rustling of the bag, and the other things he had bought. He took your hand and turned it so that your palm was facing the ceiling, then placing something on top of it.

You weren't able to feel around it to try and figure out what it was, since he still had a hold on your fingers.

"Now you can open your eyes." He said, and you could practically hear the smile as he said that.

Eagerly, you opened them and awed at what he had placed on your palm.

It was a silver anklet, with different sea life charms.

"It's beautiful," you mumbled, wanting to wear it as soon as possible

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"It's beautiful," you mumbled, wanting to wear it as soon as possible. "You got this at the gift shop?"

"It was the last one." Namjoon confirmed, looking at your expression to see if there were any traces of dislike or disappointment. But there were none. You loved it, but now you were worried if the gift you had chosen would be something that he would like.

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