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You heard knocking and the doorbell ringing when you were browsing through your closet looking for clothes to wear for the date in about an hour and a half.

Since you had just taken a shower, you were only in a fluffy, pastel pink bathrobe and a matching towel wrapped around your hair. So when you went to open the door, you had only opened it a fraction so that your eyes were peeking from the side, and your body was being covered by the door.

Seeing Nayeon and Momo at the door, you relaxed but soon turned confused.

"Why are you guys here? I have to go somewhere later." You glared at them when they invited themselves in your house, both of them wearing matching grins.

"Exactly! We're here to help you get ready!" Momo clasped her hands together.

Nayeon clapped her hands and ushered you upstairs while gently pushing you to hurry up as she followed right behind you. Momo hot on both your trails.

Once the three of you were in your bedroom, they lightly pushed on your shoulders to make you sit on your bed. You watched as they rushed to your closet and flicking through the hangers, sometimes mumbling incoherent words; you didn't know if they were complimenting your clothes or if they were judging your style.

Finally, after what seemed like 30 minutes (but really it was only 10), the two had laid out three outfit choices for you to choose from.

(A/N: you can choose whichever you like)

(A/N: you can choose whichever you like)

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