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You wiped the several tears that had slipped past your eyes and hoped no one saw.

But a very soft sniffle escaped and soon, Jae-hwa who was seated beside you - and also on the brink of falling asleep - shot his head up, now wide awake and looking at your direction, only to see your eyes slightly red.

Jae-hwa opened his mouth and was about to shout your name from worry, when you instantly gently covered his mouth to stop him. You did a shushing motion before looking around your living room where your soulmates, your older brother, and Sun-hee were all scattered around.

"I'm okay," You whispered after you pulled him so he sat on your lap. "Something just happened to one of my favourite characters in the book."

"Something bad?" He asked, hands on the sides of his mouth to muffle his words to the others.

You nodded.

Jae-hwa pouted and started to pat you and the closed book that was now on the arm of the chair, as he tried to comfort you in his own way.

"Pain, pain, fly away," Jae-hwa started to sing, which caught everyone else in the room's attention of the two of you.

"... Are your eyes red?" Jungkook asked, eyes narrowing the slightest bit as he leaned from where he was being back-hugged by Hoseok.

"... No," You replied.

"They are!"

Knowing that he was right, Jungkook freed himself from Hoseok's arms — who whined at the loss of contact before he chose to cuddle with Namjoon instead — and started to walk over to you, to try and get a closer look.

But you panicked and before you knew it, you had already grabbed the throw pillow behind you and chucked it at Jungkook.

He dodged it easily and just as he was about to look more closely, Jae-hwa came to your rescue and got off your lap before quickly wrapping his arms and legs around Jungkook's leg.

Not wanting to hurt him, he immediately stopped and looked down at the boy. Jae-hwa met Jungkook's eyes with a determined glare.

"No!" He said.

When Jungkook tried to get him off, your nephew responded by clinging onto him even tighter.

Min-jun busted into a fit of laughter as he saw Jungkook struggle to free himself, while Sun-hee whacked him on his shoulder before going to help Jungkook. The rest of your guys' soulmates just stayed where they were, watching the scene in front, and knowing that Jungkook would go to you.

Thanking Sun-hee, Jungkook quickly went to you and cupped your cheeks, forcing to make eye contact with each other.

"Liar. They are red," He pointed out.

"One of my favourite characters died in the book I was reading," You frowned. "Of course I cried."

Jungkook cooed inside his head because he knew that if you heard him, you would glare at him. Although he knew that it didn't have any bad intentions, he would rather you look at him happily.

So he easily picked you up from the armchair you were comfortably on, and took your spot while you now sat across his lap. Your legs over one of the armrests, back being supported by the other one and one of Jungkook's arms, and your head laying comfortably on the crevice of his shoulder and neck.

"Continue reading," He handed you your book. "Don't mind me."

You nodded and resumed from where you had left off.

After a few minutes had passed, Jungkook softly took the book from your light grip because you had fallen asleep.

"She's been super tired and sleepy the past few days," Taehyung whispered. "This is the fourth time she fell asleep midday and she doesn't do that unless it's a planned nap."

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