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Everyone remained gobsmacked while Jin wore those kinds of smiles that could easily provoke anyone who laid eyes on it.

"What- when- why- how–?" Taehyung sputtered, blinking at the eldest who grinned.

"I'm glad you asked Tae!" Jin leaned forward, the grin still on his face even though he was receiving stares of disbelief from the other six who were still standing from being interrupted in the middle of unpacking the groceries. But he also saw their eyes glimmering with anticipation, wanting to know the answers as well. "Yes, it was me. It happened this early morning when Y/N holed herself up in her room. She let me in, we talked, I comforted her after she had cried."

Jin noticed from the corner of his eyes Yoongi stiffening up at the proof of mention that you had cried again after you had ran away. He quickly shot him a reassuring glance, telling him that it was okay before continuing to explain and further tease his soulmates.

"We kissed," He emphasized the word and made a smug grin. Jin knew he was the last one out of the seven of them to have kissed you like that, but he didn't mind.

Not anymore at least.

After all, he was the first one to leave his mark on your skin. A pinky red color at the beginning but had turned into a beautiful purple bruise from the love bite. He could still remember the way your moans, whimpers, and whines had reached his ears like a song he could always listen to and never grow tired of. The way your hands had clung onto his shirt, effectively wrinkling it, as a way to keep yourself grounded. Jin had that memory sealed and branded into his mind. Just like his moment with the other six who was in the same room when he had given them their love bite from him.

He wasn't the first for all of them, as the others had given some of each other already — but he was the first for Namjoon and Jungkook, and now you.

"And then I said I was going to mark her at that spot Taehyung had seen it on." Jin shrugged nonchalantly. "Y/N is always pretty. But she was even more so during that time."

The six who had been listening had mirroring expressions of slackened jaws and eyes that showed brief jealousy, before they were replaced with determination, longing, and of course, love, wanting to experience it as well. They were all over the moon to hear that they could now leave some sort of claim on your body.

"Nooo... did I wake up too late to help unpack..?" Your sleepy voice mumbled from the entrance to the kitchen.

All eyes turned to you, eyes softening and heart warming at the visual that was you in your clearly much larger shirt — Jimin had beamed at the sight of his shirt on you — reaching down to just the middle of your thighs, the ends of your fluffy pajamas pooling at your feet and on the floor, while your hair stuck out in some places, disheveled from sleep.

They could also tell from your still half-shut eyelids that you were still half-asleep.

Jin calmly walked over to you, seeing as he was the closest before wrapping you in a back hug, arms hanging loosely around your waist, chin resting on top of your head, and eyes on the rest of his soulmates. "No worries sweetheart, we haven't finished yet."

You nodded slowly, leaning back on Jin's firm chest, finding comfort and warmth in his arms. "What were you guys talking about? I heard your voice."

Another smile made its way onto Jin's face, but only the six caught it, looking right at him, while you had your back facing him.

"Oh nothing~"

Because you were still half-asleep, the teasing tone in Jin's voice flew right over your head, not realizing either that Jin had let one of his arms leave their position around you to reach at the collar of the shirt you were wearing.

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