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Time really did stop when your lips met his.

You were frozen for a brief moment, seeing as how Hoseok did not waste a single second after you had given him your answer, resulting in you momentarily malfunctioning. But once you snapped out of your frozen state, you cautiously kissed him back.

And you didn't know how you were kissing him back without your knees giving out on you, but you had a feeling it was because Hoseok had an arm wrapped securely around your waist, keeping you from falling down — while at the same time, he was making sure your body was  close to his.

Both lips moved in sync with each other, and you felt Hoseok's hand that was previously on your cheek, move towards your chin, to tilt your head so that he could slightly deepen the kiss.

(A/N: it ain't a French kiss btw! it's their first kiss so not yet ^^)

You felt him smile against your lips when you made no move of dislike towards the action.

You had no idea how long you were kissing each other for because all you could focus on was the way his lips felt, moving against yours. The way it felt like a soft pillow, and how Hoseok had tightened his hold around your back, and you in return, had grabbed his shirt with one hand, and the other arm placed around the back of his neck.

You were unconsciously pulling his body closer to yours.

Your mind was fuzzy and you could only focus on him.

Hoseok was the same. His mind was busy running around with the thought of you in his arms, how you fitted perfectly in his arms like the missing piece of a puzzle — and technically, you were — you were the final piece in his life, in their life.

The final flower to be bloomed on their skin to show the world that they had found their soulmate; and that you had found yours.

Finally and albeit reluctantly, the two of you pulled apart, chests slightly heaving from the lack of air (because neither Hoseok or you wanted to stop the kiss) and your cheeks their familiar rosy colour whenever you were around your soulmates. Arms were still snuggly wrapped around you and your hands were still gripping his shirt. You could feel how fast his heart was beating under your hand.

Hoseok took a good look at the you in his arms, eyes still slightly dilated, body flushed against his toned body, hands not relieving its grip on his shirt, not wanting to let him go. And the finally thing he was looking at was the sight of your lips.

They were swollen and he felt a sense of pride rush in him.

Because he was the one who made them look like that.

Plus due to the light shower, your hair was slightly damp, making some of the cherry blossom petals stick to your hair; giving you a veil-like look.

Absolutely breathtaking... He thought.

"Thank you for letting me be your first kiss." He mumbled, eyes flickering between your deep (e/c) eyes and your swollen and still lightly glossy lips.

"Thank you for being mine." You managed to breathe out.

You let go of his shirt before wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest, not wanting him to see what you looked like at the moment. You felt his chest slightly moving and vibrating, indicating that he was softly laughing. Hugging him tighter to try and shut him up, he copied your gesture.

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