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You packed the remaining things you owned into the last box. A fond sigh left your lips as you looked around the once filled bedroom, but now empty after packing them away.

Looking around once more, you couldn't help but feel sad.

This place, this house, has been your house ever for three years. You moved out of Min-jun and Sun-hee's house as soon as you turned 18 — the same year Jae-hwa was born.

Now, for other people, having a house for three years isn't that long, but this was your first house. The very same house that you bought with your own money, the same house you immediately started to live in as soon as you were finally ready to be independent from your older brother. The very same house where your friends had thrown a surprise party for you after you got your own place, held sleepovers with the same people, the house you always came home to after classes or work or after a long day.

Moving into this house was one of the biggest moments of your life, opening several flower shops and starting your own business was next, then meeting your soulmates happened, getting revenge and justice for your papa, and now, moving in with those soulmates of yours.

You were surely going to miss this house.

But to you, it was time to leave. It was time to move in with your soulmates.

"Ready?" Hoseok peeked inside your now former bedroom before entering to take the box that was in your arms.

"Yeah, just getting emotional," You laughed softly.

Hoseok smiled. "That's understandable, this has been your home for three years after all."

You nodded, following him out the door that used to belong to your old bedroom. As soon as you stepped foot outside the room, you gave one final look to the empty room before going to catch up with Hoseok.

The hallway, like the bedroom and all the other rooms, were now empty. No picture frames hung on the walls anymore and none of your little plants decorated the floors.


You looked down the stairs to see the other six waiting for you two, all carrying one box each, wearing soft smiles.

"Ready?" Jungkook asked as soon as the two of you reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Ready as I'll ever be," You shrugged, following the seven out the door.

Turning around, you took one last look into the now empty house before finally closing the door to lock it, and putting the key in the mailbox.

"Let's take a picture?" Taehyung asked as soon as you turned around. "To commemorate you moving in with us? And to also have one picture with your old house before you officially move out."

You agreed and soon, all of you were standing in front of the house and the camera being fixed by Taehyung. He pressed the timer and jogged to the spot beside Yoongi.

All fo you gave a smile, as you heard the camera shutter as it took the picture. Taehyung quickly ran up to the camera, grinning as he looked at the picture that was just taken.

"I'm going to hang this on the wall by our staircase," Taehyung hummed, leading the way as the rest of you followed to the two separate vehicles and the moving truck.

Sitting on the seat by the car door, you kept your eyes on your old house until it was no longer in sight after driving away.

Just before it disappeared, you gave a grateful smile. A grateful smile for the home your house gave you, the house that provided you a safe place for yourself, and the house that was proof that you had started to finally grow up and move to anew part in your life.

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