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"Y/n is still sleeping?" Jimin asked from their dining table, face in-between his hands as he observed your sleeping figure curled up against Hoseok in the living room of their shared house.

It's been a week since your date with Yoongi and you had finally managed to gather up the courage to explain your nightmare problems with the rest of your soulmates. Throughout the time you were explaining, Yoongi was by your side the entire time, squeezing your hand whenever he felt you wavering or having trouble with speaking.

After the talk, Taehyung thought it was best for a full soulmate group cuddle session. And it was the right call. With you in their arms, you felt safe. Like nothing would ever be able to harm you. And with that feeling, you had become so comfortable that you fell asleep, knowing that nightmares wouldn't appear.

Not when they were with you.

"Let her be, she's finally able to sleep again," Jin said as he prepared the ingredients for today's dinner. As soon as he finished, he went over to Jimin and gave him kisses on his mochi cheeks. "You don't want our baby soulmate to be emotionally and physically drained do you?"

Jimin mumbled a quiet 'no', leaning in to his eldest soulmate's touch.

"Exactly. Okay, I'll be making dinner for all of us now, so stay if you're going to help, but leave if you're not," Jin smiled.

"Why can't I stay if I don't help?" Jimin pouted.

Jin shook his head endearingly and kissed the pout away. "Don't act like you don't know. I hardly make dinner in time because of you distracting me every minute." He went further into the kitchen and started to cook.

Jimin's playful pout returned but disappeared when he saw Hoseok carry you bridal style and headed up the stairs to take you into his room where it was more comfortable. He beamed and back hugged Jin before going upstairs too, following Hoseok and you.

Hoseok had just finished laying you down and was about to lie down beside you when Jimin quietly entered the room, a silent question on his face. His eyes disappeared when Hoseok beckoned for him to come over.

Soon, the two were sandwiching you who was still fast asleep, not even shifting when Hoseok had lifted you up and brought you upstairs, nor showed any signs of waking up when you were on the bed.

"She must be exhausted," Hoseok said, brushing aside the hair that was covering your face.

"Poor baby," Jimin whispered and laid his an arm over your waist, reaching over to intertwine his fingers with Hoseok's.

"She'll be okay, she's strong," Hoseok reached over and pecked Jimin's forehead before doing the same to you. "And she has us."

Soon, the two were lulled to sleep with your even breaths. Even in sleep, the three of you drifted towards each other, wrapped in each other's arms, legs tangled so that all of you could be closer with each other.


"Wake up my darlings," A familiar voice hummed. "Dinner's ready."

You slowly opened your eyes before yawning and covering it with a sweater paw. Blinking away the sleep, you saw a blurry figure before it focused and realized that it was Jin. He smiled when he saw you sleepily smile up at him.

"Hi sweetheart, how was your sleep?" Jin stroked your cheek and brushed away the strands of hair clinging onto your face during your sleep. "No nightmares?"

You shook your head, happy because of it. The sleep refreshed you and that was one of the best sleep you ever had since you got out of the hospital.

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