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Maybe I should've pushed the vacation to the villa at a later date, you thought to yourself, noticing several days later after the trip that one of your soulmates was having a much busier schedule than before the trip.

A concerned frown made its way onto your lips as you silently observed Yoongi immediately head upstairs after he greeted you and Jungkook who were lounging in the living room after having just finished a movie marathon. It was way past midnight and he had just arrived home.

Jungkook and you shared worried glances.

Lately in the past few days, two weeks after the trip, Yoongi has been coming home much later than usual from work even though he'd be there most of the day, and if he wasn't at work, he'd be inside his room as faint sounds that were definitely coming from a digital audio workstation.

It was obvious that he had an important project he had to finish and make it the best, but that shouldn't give him the excuse of setting aside his health and sleep schedule to fulfill it.

Jin had almost shrieked upon seeing Yoongi's eye bags the next morning when he had first arrived late the night prior. Of course he didn't push him because Yoongi looked like he was about to shoot lasers out of his eyes any second. He's also been absent the entire few days for dinner because he never came home at his usual time anymore.

"How long has it been?" You whispered to Jungkook, both of your eyes still trained on the hallway where Yoongi had disappeared off to.

"Almost a week," He sighed.

"I don't like it. The dining table is so empty when it's missing one of us."

"I don't like it either," Jungkook mumbled, his arms that were around you tightening a fraction when he felt your shoulders sag. "I'll go ask Jin hyung to talk to him about it."


"Everything's fine hyung," You woke up to Yoongi's voice filtering into your room from the hallway, and when you looked at your bed, you realized Jungkook was already up for the day.

He probably woke up early to talk to Jin so that they could catch Yoongi.

Which he did.

"It's not 'fine' Yoongi, you're barely even home anymore. And when you are home, it doesn't even feel like it."


"-No, let me finish. If everything is fine just as you say it is, tell me then when was the last time you sat down with all seven of us to eat a proper dinner?"

His answer was met with an awkward and uncomfortable silence.

"If you can't answer that, then answer this. When was the last time you slept in one of our rooms? Or at least in your room with one of us lately?"

Still no response.

When you wanted Jin to talk to Yoongi, you didn't think it would be like this.

"Hyung, why is this necessary?" Yoongi asked, voice clearly laced with fatigue.

You winced as you slowly got off the bed when you heard Jin raise his voice the slightest bit. "What do you mean 'why'?! Oh well, I don't know, maybe it's because your soulmates miss you? They miss your presence, your affection, and seeing your face. We've never seen you this busy that you're barely even around us anymore to this extent. Is whatever you're working on that important?"

You heard an audible sigh Yoongi made and you were about to open the door.

"Yes," Yoongi simply said.

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