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All eight of you were still at the villa, with today being the last night of the trip. Most of the things were packed and tidied, and now it was just resting.

Currently, you were all in the living room with a movie playing on the big screen, others were watching while the others were doing their own thing, playing cards or napping. Because everyone had clearly wanted to be in all their soulmates' presence, it didn't matter.

You were as of the moment, immobile, Taehyung clinging onto you as he made his claim on you by taking the entire loveseat on the right side of the living room for the two of you, and using you as his cuddle pillow. The both of your legs were outstretched on the loveseat, your back resting on his chest while he had his arms hanging loosely but securely around your waist, and his legs were at your sides, somehow pinning you down subtly.

But as much as you loved being in his arms, you really needed to go to the washroom.

So you tried to wiggle out of his hug which only seemed to make him hug you tighter, a dragging whine coming from the boy behind you.

"Noooo," He whined, placing his chin on your shoulder.

"Tae, I need to go to the washroom. I'll come back," You patted his hands reassuringly.

"Can't you hold it in?"

You gave him an incredulous look. "Tae! I've been holding it in since earlier because you won't let go of me."

He shrugged and turned his head to side, not seeing anything wrong with that since he got to hug you longer.


The person behind you audibly gasped, catching Namjoon and Hoseok's attention who were seated the closest to the two of you out of the rest, to see Taehyung lightly shaking you, while whining, as you closed your eyes, ignoring him.

"Y/NNN, it's 'Tae' to you," He was now swaying you side to side.

"It will go back to 'Tae' if you let me go to the washroom!"

At your words, he finally let go, albeit reluctantly, and you quickly stood up and speed walked to the washroom on the first floor.

Taehyung kept his eyes on your figure until you disappeared past the doorway before turning to Namjoon and Hoseok who he had seen were watching him and you from his peripheral vision. He shot them an innocent look to which the two only shook their heads.

Not even five minutes later, you reappeared, entering the living room once again, and Taehyung's eyes instantly brightened, making grabby hands at you.

You sighed endearingly, about to make way and go back to your original place with Taehyung, when you yelped as you felt a warm and gentle hand tug your wrist, bringing you down to someone else's lap who was seated on the floor.

Making eye contact with Jimin who just smiled at you, eyes turning into those adorable and familiar crescent shapes, before he pulled you closer to his chest, head nuzzling at your hair.

Taehyung let out another audible loud gasp, offended and betrayed; offended as he saw Jimin steal you just as you were about to go back, and betrayed when you shot him an apologetic expression before you sunk into Jimin's arms.

"Yah!" He cried out, about to get up and try to steal you back, only to be interrupted when Namjoon and Hoseok rose up from their spots and dragged Taehyung back to the loveseat, sandwiching the boy.

Before he could make any noise of complaint, Hoseok transferred Taehyung onto his lap with his legs going across Namjoon's lap, Namjoon immediately placing his hands on top of them before giving the younger boy a light massage. Hoseok then peppered kisses on the side of Taehyung's face before he whispered something inaudible to everyone else but the two of them.

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