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You woke up and when you looked at your digital clock placed on top of the bedside table, you realized it was still super early to be awake on the winter break and on a weekend on a day where you had no shift for work. It was four in the morning and because of the season, it was still clearly dark outside when you glanced at the window.

Actually, it was just way too early even on a regular day.

Shuffling on the bed, you groaned softly at the pain that shoots through your head, immediately closing your eyes or the dark room you were looking at would be spinning. You swallowed your saliva, throat feeling dry only to screw your eyes shut even more when it hurt to do the simple action.

Do I have a cold? A fever? You thought to yourself, changing your position to go lie down on your other side because one of your nostrils felt blocked.

You slowly and carefully tried to sit up and when the room started spinning, your head fell back to the pillow, back of your hand reaching up to feel your neck and forehead. Definitely both.

Believing you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep if you didn't take any medicine, you pushed yourself back up, and with slow and even more silent steps, you trudged yourself out your bedroom — you were lucky you had slept on your own last night after the large snowball fight that had transpired with your soulmates, four against four, or else you would have definitely woken up whoever had slept beside you, and might have increased the chances of them getting sick — making your way downstairs as your feet clad with slippers knowing exactly just where to step so the wood wouldn't creak.

That honestly surprised you at your current state because you had no sense of balance right now, nor did you have your usual strength and coordination in your legs.

After what felt like an hour of walking, you had finally arrived at the kitchen where all the medicine and vitamins were kept. You swiftly grabbed the pills meant for colds and fevers, glass of water right after, and as you passed the countertop, you noticed fruits in a basket. Knowing better than to take pills without food in your stomach, you snatched a banana before finally sitting down on one of the seats of the dining table.

Not long after, the banana was finished being eaten and you were now taking one pill into your mouth before the water flushed it down your throat.

You remained at your spot, arms now serving as a makeshift pillow as you leaned on it on the table, liking how cold the surface was on your warm skin.

A smile crept up your face when you started to remember the snowball fight yesterday afternoon.


"KANG Y/N GET BACK OVER HERE!" Jin yelled as he chased after you, several snowballs in his arms while one was already in his other hand, being prepped and ready to be thrown at your escaping figure.

"I'd rather live, so... no thank you!" You called over your shoulder as you continued to run, minding where you stepped because of the snow.

You dove behind your team's snow fort, Jimin steadying you as you nearly slipped, and you gave him a grateful, toothy smile while he shot you a 'be more careful' narrow-eyed stare.

As Jimin brushed away the snow from your hat and hair that wasn't being covered, Hoseok and Jungkook were alternating in making more ammo for your side while also attacking Jin who was now trying to run back to the safety of his fort. Taehyung was laughing at the sight of his eldest soulmate, Yoongi was diligently making more snowballs while Namjoon was throwing them to make your two main attackers to stop from getting Jin.

"Thanks Minnie," You grinned brightly when he was finished and satisfied, your breathing letting out a puff of air that could be seen from the chilly atmosphere. "Let's do this!"

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