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You tried to escape from Jungkook's stupid iron grip, wanting to go get Cooky and bring him back so you could hug it.

But Jungkook didn't like that idea very much, so he resorted into keeping you locked in his arms.

Having just been woken up and still don't have the full strength, you couldn't free yourself at all. Not that even with full strength could you escape, but that was all the more reason that you couldn't break free right now.

"Jungkook! Get off me, I need to get Cooky!" You tried to pry his fingers off your waist, but he just shrugged them off and proceeded to lay his leg on top of yours.

"I can't hear the rest of what you're saying when you don't call me by my nickname. Also, let me cuddle with you before you have to leave," Jungkook turned you around so that you were facing him, his hand on the back of your head, as he pulled you closer to him.

"But Cooky—"

A knock was heard and interrupted your sentence. "Jungkook-ah?"

The both of you stilled, all your movements halting when you heard Yoongi's soft yet deep voice from the other side of the door.

"Are you still sleeping?" He knocked again, and Jungkook looked at you, then at the door, then back at you, who was looking at the door with wide eyes.

The doorknob slowly turned, and the two of you quickly took action.

You dove under the blanket, clutching at Jungkook's shirt as Jungkook pulled you closer so that it didn't seem like there was another body with him on the bed.

Hearing the door fully open, you felt Jungkook flinch and his heart quickened. You softly sighed, wondering what on Earth you two were doing.

The two of you didn't do anything bad, and you were just with one of your soulmates. So why the heck were you hiding? You absolutely had no idea. But you were already hiding, so might as well try to keep it going and try to let it be successful.

Thinning your lips, you heard footsteps walk closer, and you mentally cursed when he chose to walk over on your side of the bed.

You covered your mouth and tried not to laugh when you heard Jungkook pretend to just wake up. He twisted his body, his other arm subtly pulling you closer to him as much as he could.

"Morning, hyung..." He said, and you smiled.

"It's almost afternoon. Come on, you've slept longer than I have," Yoongi looked at Jungkook fondly, hand brushing his hair back. "We can't have that, I need to be the one who has a longer sleeping record in this house. What time did you come home after dropping of Y/n anyways?"

"Late," He mumbled, not mentioning the part where he in fact, did not drop you back to your house.

"Okay, you can go take a nap with me later, but you have to go eat something first. Hyung-ie and the others, including me won't like it if you don't eat. So, up," Yoongi chided.

Yoongi grabbed the blanket and just as he was about to lift it up, Jungkook used his other hand to keep it down, startling him.

That confused Yoongi and now, he started to get suspicious.

"You okay there?" He asked suspiciously, eyeing the blanket.

Jungkook nodded, smiling, but not making any action of getting up.

"Okay then," Yoongi pecked Jungkook's forehead before walking to the door. "We'll see you downstairs so you can eat brunch. Hurry up, or we'll all drag you down."

He finally left the room, and closed the door behind him.

After a few seconds, Jungkook quickly ripped the blanket off your head. "Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice.

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