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You stepped aside just enough so that Jackson could see him, but still making sure that you were somehow in a way close to your soulmate.

"Jackson, this is Taehyung. One of my soulmates." You motioned the boy beside you to the one who was giving you a boxy grin. "Taehyung, this is Jackson. A very close friend of mine." Repeating the process.

You didn't miss the loud gasps of the girls that were still lingering in the crowd when you explained that the handsome person they were crowding around was one of your several soulmates. Some looked with awe and some looked green with envy. But for once, you didn't mind the mean stares on you. Taehyung was here with you and just being around him felt as if a wave of relief and protectiveness had wrapped themselves around you.

Jackson eyed him up and down before holding out his hand. Taehyung who either didn't see the move or he didn't care, held Jackson's hand and the two firmly shook hands. The box shaped grin never leaving his face.

"Nice to meet you." Taehyung let go and returned his gaze back to you.

"Likewise." Jackson replied.

Taehyung looked at you, wide eyes and all. You've seen the exact same look on your friends whenever they wanted something. The puppy dog expression.

"What is it?" You asked, head tilting to the side.

Taehyung mentally cooed at the little action, finding you absolutely adorable, with the way your hair falls to that one side you leaned on and how your eyes were wide, brimming with curiosity as you waited for him to answer.

"Lunch date? With the rest of us?" He stepped forward and leaned down so he was eye level with you. And once again, you couldn't help but admire the way his bangs covered some parts of his brown eyes, silently begging you to say yes. When you didn't reply, he added, "Please?"

Before you could sadly reject the offer, since you had a shift at the flower shop during lunch, you caught Taehyung flickering his gaze for a moment at something behind you before returning it back to you.

It was Tzuyu he had quickly glanced at. Apparently she had leaned down behind you to whisper something in your ear. "Go with them. The shop will have Chae and me. Don't worry."

A quiet sound of surprise escaped your lips, as you turned to look at Tzuyu giving you encouraging looks. You also noticed that Chaeyoung behind her was motioning her hand for you to hurry up and go. It was as if your best friends could read your mind. They sort of could. They've known you for a while now so reading your facial features and your body language was like second nature to them, just as much as it was to you them. Quickly, you gave them thankful smiles and they just brushed it off as you turned back to Taehyung, still waiting for your answer.

"I'd love to."

Taehyung's nervous fidgeting that you didn't even notice until he stopped, had come to an abrupt halt once he heard your answer and almost immediately tackled you into a giant bear hug. You shrieked but laughed into the hug, gladly hugging him back, while being just as eager.

He intertwined his fingers with yours and the two of you were off. Jackson's sudden protest came to a stop when Tzuyu clamped his mouth shut with her hand while Chaeyoung pushed the two of them away from the now lessening crowd and away from the school. It was also to keep Jackson away from you two, knowing just how protective he could get.

During the walk to the unknown destination unbeknownst to you, you couldn't help but giggle at how from time to time, a short bubble of laughter would erupt from his throat as he swung your arms.

The reason was because when you weren't looking, he'd steal quick looks and glances at you. Admiring the way your hair falls down your shoulders, the way it bounces with each step you take, and the way your cheeks turn up as a smile creeps onto your face unknowingly. He admired it all. The fact that he was also getting some alone time with you before joining the others made him all giddy with joy. He just couldn't keep it hidden.

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