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The mailman had given you the package you had ordered a little bit over a week ago. It was finally here! You couldn't help but feel giddy and excited about it arriving, that a wide grin had appeared on your face, not even bothering to hide it at this point. You guessed that the mailman saw your joyful expression that he couldn't help but softly laugh at you as he handed the box to you.

"Like always, I was very careful with this package of yours. I don't want to face your wrath when you find out it's damaged." He said, ruffling your hair.

Playfully, you glared at him. "You better have."

"Don't finish that in one day or you'll be bored before the next one comes out." He warned, him walking backwards as he pointed at his eyes before pointing ar you with two fingers to say 'I'm watching you'.

"I'll try not to Jeonghan-oppa! See you!" You waved back and went back inside your house.

You carefully set the package on the dining table before rushing upstairs to change from your pjs to clothes that were suited for going out. But you didn't bother trying to look good. Just comfy. So you wore a pair of black joggers and an oversized shirt with the front tucked in; you thought the shirt looked oddly familiar but not at the same time.

Is this one of Min-jun-oppa's shirts?

You shrugged and headed downstairs to the kitchen where your precious package awaits for you.

Grabbing a small knife, you ripped the box open to see it. An excited squeal escaped your lips as you gently picked it up and protectively wrapped your arms around it as you held it against your chest.

Once you locked the doors to your house, you at first, was speed walking to the flower shop, but your patience wavered and now, you were sprinting to get there faster.

When you found yourself at the door of the shop, you didn't enter immediately. You were too busy panting and gasping for air. You've never ran that fast. Not even the time when you had ran away from Jimin nearly two months ago.

Finally, your breathing had gone back to normal.

You bursted through the door and was silently thanking god that there were no customers that were ordering something or else that would have been embarrassing.

"Eonnis! The new- wait a minute! You were all here except for me?! Did I not see the texts or did you really not just send me anything?" You were now pouting and you couldn't help but feel hurt.

Nayeon immediately saw the hurt flashing in your eyes and was hugging you in less than a second.

"Oh N/n, sweetie no. We were just worried that you still weren't well rested enough. Tzuyu and Chae told us what time you slept and then the boys came over and told us you hadn't eaten..."

You stomped your foot but didn't shy away from the hug she was giving you. "That was three days ago! Is that why Sana-eonni and Jihyo-eonni offered to take my shifts?"

"Maybe." You felt more pairs of arms surround the two of you and you knew that the others had come to make a group hug.

"I'm not a baby! The boys had already spoiled me enough that day."

"Okay, okay. We won't do it again." Dahyun said.

"Unless we need to." Mina mumbled, causing you to grumble in protest. Not that they listened though.

The group hug broke and they all looked at you with soft smiles.

"What were you going to say when you came in?" Sana asked.

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