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‼A couple of swear words later in the chapter‼
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Min-jun could hear everything his soulmate was saying, along with Jae-hwa constantly saying that he will be patient.

He wanted to open his eyes, see his family waiting for him, hug them, talk to them. But he couldn't and he hated himself for being so weak. He couldn't even twitch his finger to let them know that he was alright.

All he saw in his consciousness was a white room, with nothing else but him inside. This was where he had been spending the past week while in a coma. This big empty space that made him feel smaller.

It was always like that.

Until the room started to fade, and morph into a long and narrow hallway. At the end of the hallway, he could see a bright light.

Confused and curiosity taking over, he started to carefully and softly walked, trying to get closer to the end of the hallway. Halfway there, he stopped when he sees a figure start to appear, and was standing a couple feet away from him, the figure much closer to the light than he was.

His eyes widened when he saw the figure turn around to look at him.

"Y/n!" Min-jun broke into a sprint, and stopped when he resched you. He quickly pulled you into a hug, and you reciprocated the action with your arms wrapping tightly around his torso, burying your face on his chest.

He pulled away from the hug before grabbing the sides of your head and inspecting you. "What are you doing here? Are you okay? How are you here?"

You gave him a sad smile and shrugged, silently telling him you didn't know either. But the look in your eyes told him otherwise.

Turning around, you were now facing the light, your eyes going slightly unfocused as you continued to look at it. Min-jun walked up until he was right beside you, concern laced in his features as he sees his little sister more blank and unresponsive than usual.

"I saw her." You mumbled, eyes not leaving the end of the hallway.

"Who?" He turned his head towards you.

"The person who left us." You chuckled bitterly.

Min-jun's face hardened, already knowing who you were referring to. And he blamed himself even more for not being there with you when you encountered her.

"She hasn't changed, I'm warning you. The chances of you meeting her is pretty high." You turned to him, a tight smile pulling your lips. "The person she ran off with was the drunk driver who crashed into us."

You saw fire burning in his eyes after hearing the information slip past your lips, a sympathetic expression as you see him trying to digest the situation.

You also told him about your encounter with her, and what you talked to her about, not mentioning that she was the reason why you were back to being unconscious.

Min-jun ran his fingers through his hair, jaw clenched. His reaction and thoughts were the same as yours. She left and never turned back, and she had the audacity to try and get you not to sue them?

"I shoved her, shook her and told her we were going to sue her husband," you grinned as you remembered the terrified and baffled look on her face was priceless.

"Guess I taught you well." He ruffled your hair as you returned your gaze on the light, to which he noticed.

"Why do you keep looking there?" His brows knitting in worry.

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