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GUYS! There is a surprise after the author's note at the end of the chapter! ;)
That's all. Now to the story!!!

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A whine escaped your throat as you smacked Jungkook with one of the throw pillows that you had snagged from your couch.

"Stop winning! Can't you just lose against me for once?" You whisper yelled as you continued on hitting him. Jungkook didn't mind though. The hits were light and he knew that you were just doing it playfully.

"Sorry. I don't know what the word 'lose' mean." He shrugged, ducking away and snatching the pillow from your hands to hug it.

"The word's not in his vocabulary, love." Namjoon spoke, his eyes never leaving the book on his lap as he was being back hugged by Jin on the couch, their legs outstretched. Taehyung and Jimin were sitting beside you two, caging, with Jimin on your left, and Taehyung on Jungkook's right. Those two had rejected your offer on playing with them and had just said that they would watch, and now you know why. They'll never win. Meanwhile, Yoongi was sleeping on Hoseok by the bay window, the sun filtering through the curtains giving the two of them some warmth. Hoseok had one arm loosely hung around Yoongi's waist while one of Yoongi's arm was dangling off the edge.

A couple of weeks had passed since meeting them, and all of you were at your house, deciding that today, a Saturday, would just be a calm and relaxing day where you didn't have to go out. That 'calm and relaxing' part was gone and you wanted to start war with Jungkook.

"Play another game with me. Not video games. Because you're basically god at that and no one bothered to tell me." You put the controller on the table and crisscrossed your legs, facing him, sending a glare at the four who were awake. He looked at you with a raised brow, waiting. "UNO."

"Oh you are so on." Was all he said and so you stood up and went to grab the cards.

When you returned, Jungkook, along with Taehyung and Jimin had eagerly patted your empty spot to tell you to hurry up.

The more the merrier.

You smiled and sat down, shuffling the deck and giving all four of you cards.

Halfway into the game, Hoseok and Yoongi had woken up from their slumber, and thankfully it wasn't because the four of you were too loud. They did however remained in their comfy positions. Now the four eldest were watching you, the four youngest, play UNO with amusement pooling in their eyes.

Finally, after one very long round filled with lots of reverses, skips, pick up cards, shouting and light shoving, you had won.

"Hey! No fair. You really used the change colour card last?" Jungkook pouted.

"Yes I did. A good plan right?" You grinned as he rolled his eyes. "Yay! I finally won against him. It was one game but I still won. So that counts."

"You cheated," He crossed his arms and looked to the side, not making eye contact with you, "Using a colour change card for last."

"It's not called cheating Kook. It's called being strategic." The others couldn't help but chuckle at your words, slightly shaking their heads. You knew they silently agreed though.

Jungkook scoffed lightly and looked at you, wanting to banter back, but he couldn't help but soften his gaze at the sight of you. You were rocking your body side to side with your legs still crossed and your arms holding them, and he sighed. With you acting adorable like that, you currently had him wrapped around your finger. Not that you knew that. But being soulmates, each one of you had each other wrapped around your fingers.

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