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Mark and Jinyoung choked on their own spit when they heard the words slip past Namjoon's lips.

You were their what?! How come she never told us this?

Thoughts like those appeared in their heads as they all looked at your sleeping figure, lips slightly curved into a faint smile, unbeknownst to you that you were going to get another scolding from your other friends. Just a different one.

Chaeyoung sighed and stepped in between the two groups, while Tzuyu followed and gave warning stares to both sides.

"Guys, these are our youngest's soulmates. Y/n's soulmates, these are her childhood friends. Min-jun-oppa's and ours too." Chaeyoung introduced the two groups to each other, while being wary of the sound of her voice for you. She, including the others knew that you were sort of a light sleeper, and that sometimes, you would wake up from the most quietest noise.

Jinyoung took quick small nods, mouth shaped in a small 'o'. Now he knew why he saw jealousy on their faces. Shaking his head while softly chuckling, he stepped forward and took out his hand. "No need to be jealous. We're just her best friends and besides, our soulmate group is already complete. Nice to finally meet our beloved N/n's soulmates, I'm Park Jinyoung. By the way, she's only sleeping, not passed out if that's what you're worried about."

The said boy bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling. He saw several eye twitches and short (but he saw it) jaw clenching at the mention of 'beloved' and your nickname. Namjoon's grip on the handshake was strong too, as if he wanted to crush his bones.

Jaebum and Youngjae had noticed too. But those two couldn't hide the teasing smirks that appeared on their faces.

Oh it's already so easy to make them jealous. Looks like there's more things to tease you about.

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung had stepped aside, watching the interaction with amusement in their eyes.

Jackson, ever the socialite and friendly person that he is, he gently peeked over Mark's shoulder, and grinned when he locked eyes with Taehyung's. The mentioned boy looked shocked momentarily but eventually smiled back.

"Nice to see you again Taehyung-ssi."

"Same here Jackson-ssi."

Their soulmates looked at the both of them with wide eyes.

"You know him?" Both sides said - nearly yelled to the two.

Almost immediately, they were all shushed by Jackson and the girls when they saw and heard you stir.

Everyone froze as they watched you slightly shift at your spot on Jackson's back and in his arms. Carefully, he propped you higher so that you weren't falling and you instantly held him tighter. It was a habit of yours. When you slept, you always had to be holding something.

Your soulmates frowned at the sight, seeing you wrap your arms around him so closely. Though they now knew you were just friends, they wanted to be the one carrying you.

"We should get her home." Tzuyu whispered to no one in particular, but everyone had agreed.

Jungkook stepped forward, his arms slightly in front of him. "Give her to me. We'll be the ones to take her home. We're her soulmates."

Yugyeom raised a brow but didn't say anything. As much as he was tempted to make them jealous for you, you were sleeping right now. Very peacefully might I add. So they all kept their mouths shut and allowed for the boy to take you in his arms in a bridal carry.

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