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"Her older brother." He stepped forward so that he was blocking you from them. "My question now. Who the hell are you people and what are you doing in my baby sister's house?"

You inhaled a deep breath, lips thinning when you heard 'baby sister'. That means he had flipped his protective brother side on.

Peeking over his arm, you noticed your soulmates' eyes widen and panic showed in them. Though they did try on not making it obvious to him, but to you, you being their soulmates and having somewhat of a gift in reading expressions, it was clear as day to you.

You grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and pulled on it to gain his attention. "Oppa, they're my soulmates. This was the news I wanted and needed to tell you in person."

He immediately turned around so that his body was facing you and his hands gripped your biceps. "You're serious? They're not just some random guys that you let in the house?"

Several scoffs were heard from behind him and you had to bite your cheek not to do the same. You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead, happy that he was leaning down so that the both of you were face to face and you were able to reach him.

"Yah! Are you crazy? Why would you think that I'd let random guys enter my house?" You huffed in satisfaction seeing him groan and put pressure on the small area that was turning pink.

After closing the door, you quickly made your way between them so that you stood in front of your soulmates, back facing them as you frowned at your older brother with crossed arms.

"Don't be mean." Was all you said before stepping to the side so that both sides could see each other, and turning your body so that you were facing them. "Guys, this is my older brother, Kang Min-jun. Oppa, these are my soulmates. From left to right, Yoongi-oppa, Jimin-oppa, Hoseok-oppa, Taehyung-oppa, Namjoon-oppa, Jungkook, and Jin-oppa."

The seven bowed and greeted him and Min-jun's face was blank so you glared at him. He sighed and greeted them, slightly intimidated by the way you had looked at him.

You motioned for them to enter the living room and all eight obeyed, feet shuffling across the wooden floor.

Before Min-jun could take the middle of the couch that was still pulled out, and trying to make the boys stand, you rushed towards him and pushed him to one of the armchairs.

"What did I just say?" You hissed at him before turning your attention to the seven who were standing awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "The couch is yours guys. Ignore my brother. He's being a jerk." You side-glanced at him and he just gave you an innocent smile as you sat on the other free armchair.

The seven gratefully smiled at you and sat down at the edge of the mattress, fingers fiddling with each other due to the silence surrounding the room. It went on for a few not minutes before Min-jun broke the silence.

"So you're the soulmates of my baby sister..." He eyed them all down and it was quick but you swore you saw Hoseok and Jungkook try to make themselves look smaller.

Ohhhh I'm going to beat him up soon if he keeps acting like that. And I don't care if it's in front of them.

Namjoon nodded slowly while looking at him warily, as if he was afraid that his answer would not be to your brother's liking.

"I see." Min-jun leaned forward, supporting his body with his elbows that were on his thighs. "Since you're her soulmates and you've known each other for quite a while now... I'm going to ask you a few questions okay?"

You snapped your head to your older brother and you knew that he saw it, but he kept his gaze on the seven men in front of him.

As you were about to open your mouth to protest, your eyes widened when from the corner of your eyes, you saw the boys firmly nod their heads to your brother's statement. They wanted to prove to your brother that he could trust them.

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