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When you heard the doorbell ring, you squealed in excitement, already knowing who was outside and behind that door.

Throwing the door open, your smile instantly fell and turned into a disappointed and yet somehow, at the same time, a deadpan frown when you saw...

Your older brother.

"Yah! What's with that sudden change of expression?!" He pointed at you, a hand on where his heart is, mock hurt.

"Because you're not Jae-hwa. Where's Jae-hwa?" You went on your toes to peek over his shoulder, only to be brought back flat on your feet when Min-jun held your shoulders down.

"Sun-hee is getting him from the car. Calm yourself child. He fell asleep on the way here." He let go of you and went back to where his car was, at the same time Sun-hee stood straight back up, with your one and only nephew in her arms, one of his cheeks smooshed on her shoulder, fast asleep.

You cooed quietly, your hands cupping your cheeks at how cute he looked. As soon as Sun-hee was in your arms' length, you quickly gave her a side hug, while making sure to not disturb the sleeping boy.

Min-jun had Jae-hwa's essentials in a pastel yellow bag, with chibi dinosaurs decorating it. Opening the bag, you saw that it had things like a pack of diapers, his favourite blanket that was blue and had white clouds on them, at least five pairs of extra clothes - not including his pj's, and snacks that he likes to munch on.

As you were looking through that one bag, Min-jun placed another similar looking bag right beside it, and judging from how it looked, it definitely had the same materials inside.

"Uh... why did you guys bring so much stuff when he's only staying for a day?" You closed the bag and stood up to face the two parents.

Sun-hee narrowed his eyes at Min-jun who in turn, looked away awkwardly. "Did you not tell her?"

"Tell me what?"

"That we're going overseas for a while, and we don't know how long we'll be there for. And we couldn't bring Jae-hwa with us because no one will be able to watch him when we work. Also because we don't trust anyone there with our baby." She explained, sighing when your expression frowned at not having the full information.

"No. No he did not." Now you were glaring at your older brother.

"I'm sorry! I had a feeling you would have said no if I explained it in full detail." He hid behind his wife, who just rolled her eyes at the antics of her husband.

"When taking care of Jae-hwa? Of course I would have said yes! I just hoped that I knew beforehand," you said that last word through gritted teeth, before continuing. "So that I knew not to have future plans during the time he's with me."

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, now looking down at the floor feeling dejected.

Great. He's sulking.

Sometimes, you wondered if you were actually the older one, given how immature your older brother was at times.

But since the two of you were very close, the two of you could never stay mad at each other for long, because neither of you two liked it when someone ignored or left, over simple things.

"It's fine. I guess I'll just have to postpone it." You muttered, but of course, your older 'sister' heard it clearly.

"Postpone what?" Sun-hee asked, while fixing Jae-hwa's head on her shoulder.

"My date." You dejectedly said, before grabbing the two bags and bringing it into the living room.

"A date?! Min-jun look what you did!"

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