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"Our lovely flower shop owner is back and better than ever!" Nayeon did jazz hands as soon as you walked in Blooming Wild. "Welcome back Y/n: Part 2!"

You gave a wide smile and before the group could attack you with their favourite, the giant group hug, you evaded each one of them successfully, entering the back of the shop to wear an apron.

"Boo~" Sana whined, returning back to her area of work for the day along with Momo with her.

Your head peeked out from the room. "We have lots of orders today, get ready."

"Yes ma'am!" The nine cheered and stationed themselves where they needed to be.


And true to your words, many people came and went. Orders ranging made for happy occasions and sad occasions; weddings, funerals, anniversaries, dates, gifts, or just a treat for themselves.

You waved and shot a small smile to the little kid who was holding her dad's hand, while his opposite carried a bouquet of orchids for a surprise to his wife and her mother.

That was your last order for the day and it was already almost 11 PM.

You flipped the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed', and as soon as you turned around, the nine girls were all lined up with knowing grins plastered on their faces.

"Soooo," Dahyun dragged the word out. "How does it feel to be living with your soulmates?"

The nine watched as you subtly bite the inside of your bottom lip, trying - and failing - to contain the big smile that tried to show.

"I love it," You squealed excitedly before explaining. "We all have our own bedrooms and we usually sleep in groups, but there are times when we want to have some alone time and sleep by ourselves. There's always one of us to wake up to downstairs. We bake, play video games, and stuff like that."

"Well, that's good that you're enjoying yourself and it's a good environment to live in," Mina was the first to take off her apron.

"I am," You followed and took off your apron too. "But I do sometimes end up missing my old house."

It's already been two months since you've moved in with them, and life has been as good as it can get. Everything was going well with your soulmates - although there have been little arguments but have been resolved - business for Blooming Wild was doing just fine too, and since summer vacation was finally over, classes were resumed - and you were doing just as good in your classes.

"That's normal, you've lived there for quite a while and was the only place you lived in as soon as you moved out," Jeongyeon lightly hooked her arm around yours once all of you were done cleaning up the shop. "Now, let's go."

"We're dropping you off," Momo led the way and opened the door.

When all of you were out, Chaeyoung locked the shop and you guys separated to two different cars. You were with Momo, Tzuyu, Jeongyeon, and Mina, while the remaining five were in the other car.

You gave them the address and you guys went on your way to your new house.

Getting off when you arrived, you thanked them and waved them goodbye when you reached the front door.

You unlocked the door to see Hoseok who looked like he had been waiting for your arrival patiently.

"Welcome home," He greeted with open arms.

And you took that as an invitation to run up and hug him with a wide grin on your face. "I'm home!"


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