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Before your embarrassment could fully overtake your mind and keep you from moving, you rushed to the sketch and quickly flipped it around so that only the back was visible now.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly turned around to face the seven who still had their gaze locked on the canvas, even with the object not facing them properly.

Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak and apologize, Jimin spoke up first, beating you to it.

"Did you make that?" He asked softly, eyes finally leaving the turned canvas and landing on you.

You responded with a very subtle nod, the inside of your cheek in between your teeth in anticipation for their outburst because you had drawn them without their permission. And you had not wanted them to find it like this.

The plan you had in mind was to ask them if you could draw them, and if they agreed you'd have told them to wait for it (but it was already made and of course none of them would know). Then you would have waited a couple days until you would gift it to them.

And if they said no, then you would have just thrown the already drawn art under your bed where no one would have ever found it. A secret you would have taken to your grave.

But life isn't fair.

The plan was gone and you wanted to go cover your whole being with a blanket so no one could see you. But again, life isn't fair; an example of justifying it being that almost all the blankets were downstairs and you were upstairs.

You jolted when you heard a chorus of gaps and short but genuine compliments spill from their lips. Looking up, you see all of them smiling with pride at you while also managing to look amazed at the simple fact that you can draw well.

A look of confusion flashed across your face. "Wait— you're not mad at me?"

Now it was their turn for confusion to appear on their faces, looking at you funny.

"Mad at you?" Jungkook tilted his head. "For what?"

"For drawing you without your permission?"

The seven of them lightly chuckled at you, making you frown and lightly narrowing their eyes at them, wondering what was so funny.

"Then why aren't you mad at us for the dozens of candid pictures we took of you?" Hoseok's lips quirked up a bit when he observed your eyes. They were contemplating about what he had said, and he was right.

"Well that's because it's you guys. And I know there weren't any ill intentions, you just wanted a picture of me for you to keep," you replied, shrugging.

"Exactly!" Taehyung held both of your hands, him now standing right in front of you. "We feel the same. You had no ill intentions either, right?"

"Unless there were ill intentions?" He teased making you let go of one of his hands to smack his shoulder.

"No there weren't!" You hissed, glaring at him as he tried to keep his laughs down but was unsuccessful.

"You have your answer then," Yoongi said from his spot before beckoning his head to the canvas, looking at Namjoon. Namjoon nodded and went to turn the canvas back, letting everyone have a better view of your art.

"And how can we be mad at you? You drew us so well! Especially me, wow look at that," Jin pointed at the top left corner where you had drawn him.

"Sure, but have you seen me?" Jimin interrupted Jin from fawning over his sketch any further, with him pointing at his instead. "Look how N/n made me so much more handsome than you."

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