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It's been a little over a month since Haemi and the other three were taken into custody, and every passing day after that was another weight off your shoulders. The police officers and other workers who were dealing with the case had informed you that it would take a while to fully deal with her actions, and you didn't mind at all because the people who loved you had made sure that your thoughts wouldn't ever trail back to the bullies and Haemi's actions.

If you earlier had thought you were being doted and pampered on a lot, that was nothing compared to now.

It felt like ten times more.

Your soulmates were basically glued to your sides, showering you with affection — kisses, hugs, quality time, giving small, yet meaningful gifts — and of course you were showering them with as much affection you could as they were to you. Not to mention, one of your soulmates wasn't feeling their best, so you were able to coddle them even more as they usually did with you.

And as much as you loved the attention you were getting from all seven of them, you still had a job; especially since the weather was becoming colder as the winter season was nearing. It was your job to put away most of the annual flowers and add more perennial ones to fill the store. The annual flowers that were kept would be the ones that were easy to tend to inside the warmth of a home and that did not need as much sunlight.

But that was a task for later. Right now, your current task was to get Jimin to stay at home because he started to not feel well yesterday. Everyone but you and Jimin were at home as the others were either busy with their job, or had an errand to do.

However, you had to also go to your own job soon to finish the task you needed to finish. And because Jimin did not want to be alone while you go off to your job while also not wanting to wait for the others to come home when you do go, he is now hellbent on trying to come along with you.

"Jimin..." You looked at him as he showed you his eyes that were basically pleading. And for some odd reason, you could almost see puppy ears on top of his head.

"Let me go with you, hmm?" He tried to convince you, eyes big and begging.

"Jimin, you're not feeling well," You said as you wore your shoes and coat.

"But that was yesterday!" He whined, chin propped on the back of the sofa as his eyes trailed on you grabbing your phone. "I'm feeling much better now."

Eyes narrowing, you took off your shoes and walked up to him, looking down as he was sitting down, before placing the back of your hand on his forehead.

In the span of a second, your brows furrowed. "What the—! Jimin, you're warmer than earlier!"

You quickly went to get the thermometer and put it in his ear to check his temperature, with both of you waiting for it to beep. When it did, you grabbed it before he could and you sighed.

"It's 38.1°C (100.6°F)! Jimin, you're staying home," You adamantly stated.



"Awww, Y/NNN."

You shook your head teasingly. "Don't 'Awww, Y/NN' me. Nice try but it's not going to work."

You fluffed a couple of the pillows already on the sofa before making Jimin lie down, much to his dismay, before disappearing down the hallway to go upstairs and coming back with a thicker blanket than the one currently draped over an armchair downstairs, and tucking Jimin snugly.

Jimin started to quietly laugh out of nowhere to himself after you disappeared out of the living room again into the kitchen — by the sounds of it, he assumed you were making something quick for him — and when you came back, he had a fond expression aimed to you.

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