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t's been a long week.

Doing nothing but lazing around the house and doing as little as possible so that you don't stress yourself with the injuries that were still recovering.

Others came to visit you, but they were short and quick, not wanting to disturb your rest.

But that irked you, because they were treating you like some fragile glass now.

When the girls visited you, their hugs wouldn't be bone-crushing or big bear hugs anymore. When Youngjae and the others came over, they made you sit on the side and did everything for you, which made you slump even more; those boys were your childhood friends.

You would think that they would trust you enough that you could do simple house chores by yourself.

Not to mention your soulmates. When they visit, it'd be a cuddle session.

And that was it.

Now, you loved their cuddles and them hugging you, but they wouldn't even have pillow fights or chase you anymore.

"This sucks," you sighed, staring at the ceiling while laying in a starfish position on your bed.

Grabbing your phone, you checked the time.

You had plenty of time to get ready for the date later tonight.

Today was the day you've been looking forward to all week. Jungkook was taking you to the fair, with all the rides, stalls, and booths.

You also wanted to thank Jungkook later, because he was the only one who has been treating you remotely similar, to how he did prior to the accident.

Whenever it was cuddling time, he would subtly poke your sides to tickle you and if neither one of your soulmates were looking at the two of you, he would lay his leg over yours to keep you trapped and stay by his side.


Already changing into the set of clothes you had picked, there was time left and you pondered whether to stay in your room where your swing chair was, or downstairs.

Already changing into the set of clothes you had picked, there was time left and you pondered whether to stay in your room where your swing chair was, or downstairs

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Shrugging, you headed downstairs deciding that was the better choice so that you wouldn't keep Jungkook waiting by the door.

And you made the right decision when the doorbell rang just a couple of minutes later.

You grabbed your shoulder bag that carried your phone and wallet, before opening the door to see Jungkook nervously playing with his fingers. He stopped when he saw you smiling at him.

"Y/n!" He said excitedly and pulled you into a bear hug.

You instantly smiled when he did, and you hugged him back, grateful.

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