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Your time of the month has finally passed and you were no longer experiencing any cramps or have a sore, aching body. The seven soulmates of yours had been patient with you, massaging your back, legs, and abdomen when you ever groaned in pain.

You had no idea how to thank them; grimacing in pain every time you remembered that past week you had been in constant pain and was easily agitated or sensitive. It must have been hard.

But you knew that they wouldn't let you try and make it up to them regarding your period because it happens every month.

So you decided to take them out on a date as a celebration for Haemi and the six being put to jail.

Lost in those own thoughts, just standing in the middle of the bedroom - eventually finding out where you were going to take them and what you guys were going to do - you didn't realize Taehyung was creeping up behind you, ready to pounce and tackle you to the bed. As soon as you were in arms reach, he winded his arms around your frame, trapping your arms down with his before throwing the two of you down on the bed.

"What-? Tae!" You craned your neck up to see Taehyung staring at you with innocent eyes.

"Hi baby," He loosened his arms around you to let you face him before he pulled you back closer. "What's with the creased eyebrows?"

"Just thinking of something."

"And that 'something' is...?"

You looked at him before sticking out your tongue. "Not telling!"

Taehyung gasped, playing a fake pout on his lips. "Whyyy?"

Shrugging, he knitted his eyebrows suspiciously before unwrapping his arms from you and suddenly bringing his hands to your sides, tickling you.

You shrieked, trying to squirm away from his hands, holding the laughter in until you couldn't do it anymore after his ongoing attack on your sides. The laughs slipped past your lips, Taehyung grinning from ear to ear as he continued on his relentless tickling session on you.

"Taehyung-!" You couldn't finish because you laughed again. "Stop-!"

He did stop, head tilting to the side as he eyed you. "Tell me what that 'something' is, then maybe I won't do it again~"

You glared at him, chest going up and down from being out of breath from the tickle attack you just had to go through. "No."

And before he could resume his tickling on you, you did it first.

Taehyung let out a yell, sitting up in order to separate himself from your hands. But you followed him, sitting up as well while you continued to tickle him at his sides like he did with you.

"Y/N!" He managed to utter out in between his laughs.

Thinking he had enough, you eased up on your attack, but let out a confused sound when Taehyung grabbed your waist with one arm before he carefully pushed you down the bed.

Taehyung now hovered over you, one arm under your waist and the other arm was next to your head, propped on the bed so that he wasn't directly on top of you, while one of his knees were in between your legs and the other outside, caging you to keep you from escaping if you ever tried to.

Your wide eyes met the gaze of Taehyung's who was basically staring right through your soul.

"You still won't tell me?" He tried again, voice sending electrifying shivers up your arms.

You gulped, eyes blinking several times, your own voice not coming out.

"Baby~ It's not nice to keep someone waiting~" He hummed, leaning closer.

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