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"Y/N, we're home!" A few voices downstairs called out, which you and Jungkook immediately recognized belonged to Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

The two of you were still in the hallway, with Jungkook still caging you between him and the wall, hands possessively resting on your waist after the passionate kiss that was just shared between you two. He had wanted to kiss you like that one more time — or maybe even more than one more time — but some of your guys' soulmates had just arrived home, and Jungkook knew you were going to want to greet them.

You placed your hands on his and tried to free yourself, but his hands remained stationed where they were, not wanting to let you go just yet.

"Jungkook," You tried. "They're home, let's go to them."

The boy in front of you pouted, unwilling. And instead of moving his hands away, he wrapped them around your lower back, keeping you close to him in a hug.

Your brows furrowed at the sensation of a dull, but throbbing pain, poking one side of your lower abdomen. But you brushed it aside after it quickly disappeared.

"No," He firmly stated. "I got home before they did. Pay more attention to me first." Jungkook whined onto your hair.

You grabbed his face, pecking his forehead, before giving him another kiss on both cheeks, and another on his chin, then finally, on his lips, then doing it again until his pout fully disappeared, and a giddy smile took its place.

"I'll give you as much attention as you want," You started before taking that chance of him loosening his grip on you during your many kisses, and swiftly freeing yourself and instantly running, so he wouldn't be able to immediately grab you.

"Wha— Y/N!" He yelled affronted. But not a second later after his yell, you could hear his footsteps coming after you, and you picked up the pace.

You carefully but quickly ran down the stairs, eyes catching the three soulmates who had arrived home about to go upstairs after hearing Jungkook call your name.

Earlier, after the three had arrived their presence at home, they were met with silence, which was weird because they knew you were home. After a minute or two of waiting, they heard Jungkook's voice yelling your name. Worried, they were about to head upstairs, only to stop midway when they saw you urgently going down the stairs.

The three were confused, still worried because it looked like you were running away from someone, and they only relaxed when they saw Jungkook come into view at the top of the stairs.

You turned around, eyes widening at the sight of Jungkook already on his way down the stairs, , and just as you were about to jump off the third stair, you slipped, miscalculating how different the speed of your mind and body was going.

Four strangled yells called out your name in a hurry, all of them mixed with fear and concern as they watched you slowly fall forward as if it was in slow motion.

You shut your eyes tight, waiting for you to feel the impact of the floor hitting your face, but instead, you felt a pair of strong arms winding around your waist, and your body being caught.

With your eyes closed, you didn't see who it was, but you could recognize the arms wrapped around you protectively and the firm and buff chest that had cushioned and stopped your fall anywhere.

The person who caught you let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of you safe in his arms, and you could feel the tension slowly leaving his body when in response, you hugged him by the neck.

Three other sighs of relief were made at the sight of you not meeting the floor harshly, before they all ran up to you.

"Are you okay?!"

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