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A cold shiver ran up your arms and spine, tugging the blanket even higher just until they reached your chin. Not even minutes later, you grumbled before throwing off the blankets covering your body to the side when sweat started to form on your skin, feeling hot.

It's been four days and you were still having both a cold and a fever.

It would be a lie to say your soulmates weren't worried.

They had never experienced you getting sick before since they've known you and even though they had past experiences with each other when one was sick, they almost always ended up fully recovered in less than three days. But it's been four full days in your case, reaching five soon in a couple of hours, and although they tried not to panic due to the situation being new, their nerves were slowly getting the best of them.

"Hyung, her fever hasn't dropped anymore since the day we all found out she was sick," Jungkook whined, burying his face into the crook of Yoongi's neck from where he was sitting across the older one's lap on the couch.

"We'll check up on her again in a while and see if doctors need to intervene. Don't worry, our baby soulmate is strong," Yoongi hummed softly, fingers that were on Jungkook's waist had begun drawing small circles to try and comfort the boy.

"You can't check up on her," Jimin huffed and broke the silence after Yoongi had spoken, a worried and frustrated frown set on his lips as he entered the living room with Taehyung and Namjoon right behind him and mirroring similar expressions. "She threatened us just minutes ago when we tried!"

"What do you mean she threatened you?" Hoseok peeked out from the kitchen entrance, Jin doing the same.

"We tried to check up on her but when we tried to go in her room, she hurled one of her smaller pillows at the door and said and I quote 'Don't come in. If you come in I won't cuddle with you for a month after I get better'." Jimin crossed his arms. "I mean, how is she going to get better faster if she doesn't let us help her?"

"You believed her threat?" Jin walked up to Jimin and pulled him into his arms before glancing at Namjoon and Taehyung.

"Hey! If you heard her, you would too!"

"Jimin, you know better than that. She has to recover first, that's our priority," Jin pushed the hair that fell over Jimin's face back so he could get a clearer view at his soulmate's pouting face before placing a chaste kiss on those pouty lips, smirking when they slowly disappeared.

"Okay, we'll all go up to check on her this time," Yoongi said, patting Jungkook so that he could get off of him. "It'll be seven against one, plus she's sick."

The three who had previously went upstairs grumbled 'Don't say we didn't warn you' under their breaths but went anyways — truth be told, they were the ones leading the group.

Arriving at your bedroom, Jimin hesitated before gingerly knocking against the door.

"Y/N? We want to take your temperature again," Jimin announced.

"I checked already," Your voice could be heard from the opposite side of the door although it was slightly muffled. "It's the same as before, nothing new."

"Okay, then that's over with. Next is, it's time for you to eat dinner," Jin stepped forward, hand reaching and grabbing the doorknob. "I won't take no for an answer regarding this sweetheart, nor will you intimidate me with your 'threats' because they won't work on me."

Hoseok locked eyes with Jin and a silent conversation ensued before Hoseok went back downstairs to grab a tray for your food.

Jin opened the door and entered, leaving the three earlier with slightly parted lips while Yoongi and Jungkook smiled proudly.

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