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i love your guys' comments so much, it keeps me motivated, happy and makes me laugh ♡
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FLASHBACK ‐ To when Y/n was three years old and Min-jun being 10 years old

"Oppa!" You called, making grabbed hands to Min-jun. He was doing his homework in the living room while your dad was cooking dinner for your family. Your mom was at work, but she should be coming home soon with the usual pastries she bought on the way back.

She would always bring back home whether it be cupcakes, sweet bread, muffins, croissants, whatever snack was sold in the bakery after a day's work for you and your brother.

But she wasn't home yet, and you didn't want to bother your dad who was in the middle of cooking. Last time you did, you almost had your finger chopped off because you wanted to grab some of the carrots he was slicing.

So you resorted in trying to gain Min-jun's attention. You knew that even when he was doing his homework, he would drop it to spend time with you because anything to not having to work on them.

"Yes?" He asked, pulling you in his lap to tickle you on your sides and leaving you laughing as you tried to grab hold of his much larger hands to stop him.

"Play!" You got off his lap, and grabbed his arm with your chubby hands, trying to pull him up and go to your shared room where all your toys and story books were.

"But I have homework to do." He said, although that was only to tease you. He'd do anything to put aside his homework.

"Later." You whined, tugging him harder. "Let's go!"

"Guess I have no choice." He carried you into his arms, and the two of you went upstairs. "Dad, I'm taking a short break with my homework."

"Okay, but remember to do it by tonight!" Your dad's voice echoed from the kitchen to where you were at the stairs.


It's been a little over 10 minutes of you acting out the pictures as Min-jun read the story, when you suddenly heard two people shouting. You immediately stopped in mid-swing of your pretend sword as Min-jun slowly closed the book.

You looked at Min-jun, scared at what was going on. Min-jun held up his finger on his lips in a shushing action, before he took your hand.

The two of you quietly exited your bedroom and walked until you were at the top of the stairs, staying there so that neither of you were seen by anyone from the first floor.

Now that you were closer to the shouting noises, the both of you recognized that one of the people shouting was your dad. Although the way he was shouting sounded more hurt than angry.

And the person he was shouting at was none other than your mom.

You grabbed Min-jun's shirt and pulled on it, eyes teary.

"Fighting?" You asked in a whisper.

Min-jun immediately shook his head, trying to calm you down, even though what he was seeing really did look like your two parents were fighting and having an argument.

But why was the question.

She must've just gotten home not even five minutes ago, and she wasn't late. This was her usual time in going home.

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