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You looked out the window, eyes trained on the pair of birds that were flying and had landed onto a branch of the tree right outside your room. Hands limp at your sides, you refused to talk or look at any of your soulmates or your friends who had been constantly glancing at your still figure.

"Y/n...?" Yugyeom called for you.

But like the past hour that they have been trying to get a proper response, only to end in failure, you just merely hummed, eyes not leaving the window.

Sun-hee had said that you couldn't go and visit Min-jun in your condition, because of the blow you had recieved from the accident. Your chest had been heavily hit and you had also suffered a concussion, so seeing Min-jun at the state he was in right now wasn't the best idea.

If you start to feel strong emotions, your chest and lungs would constrict and cut off the oxygen trying to enter your lungs.

So for extra precaution, the nurses and doctors had informed your friends and soulmates that you shouldn't do anything that might cause you to get angry, frustrated, upset, agitated or distressed. And that is why you are currently confined to your patient room.

You knew they were only doing this for your own good, but you were being stubborn.

You wanted to check up on your brother.

But they weren't letting you, so you had started sulking and ignoring everyone. It was the only ring you could do, seeing as how you were still pretty weak and body still experiencing the pain from the accident.

"As soon as you're better, we promise you can leave this room and visit Min-jun-hyung. Just focus on recovering for now." Jaebum said, trying to reason with you.

You sighed. "I know. I'm just being childish. Don't mind me."

"You're not being childish Y/n. You love your brother and you want to see him because you're worried. It's understandable." Hoseok instantly refuted your statement.

Finally, you turned to face all of them, both soulmates and childhood friends, who have been patient with you. Giving them a grateful, yet sad smile, you mentally laughed at the sight of them all hiding at the opposite side of the room, away from any of the passing staffs' eyes as they passed your room.

This group had exceeded the maximum amount.

Just as you were about to lay down, the door was opened unceremoniously to reveal nine familiar, concerned faces who you haven't seen in a while.

"Y/n!" Chaeyoung and Mina cried out, relieved to see you awake.

The nine girls had been extremely worried ever since they had received the phone call from Jinyoung, informing them that their youngest of the group had been involved in a car accident. They had wanted to visit, but Jinyoung had told them not to, until you were awake.

So here they were now.

Nayeon was the first one who bounded over, stopping only until she was right beside the bed, looking down at your calm face.

"I'm glad you're okay." She whispered before taking a seat in the space beside you, and pulling you into a tight hug, her hand rubbing up and down your back.

Soon, the other girls joined the hug, happy to see that they were able to hug you again, and have their youngest friend to dote on.

All of you pulled away and your eyebrows shot up. "Oh, Tzuyu, no, don't cry!" You wiped her tears as she tried to wipe them before you could. "I'm sorry, I worried you. I'm here now though, hmm?"

Tzuyu nodded, sniffling before trying to look at you sternly. It didn't work because of how her eyes were still glistening with her unshed tears — but hey, she tried. "If you do that again, I'm going to kill you myself."

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