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Laughter permeated through the house, rousing the three youngest guys from your soulmate group awake when the sounds reached the one room they had all slept in the previous night.

Jimin looked at the clock on his bedside table to see that it was only 8 in the morning on a day when all of you had nowhere to be. He immediately turned the other way and buried his face in Taehyung's back who remained unmoving along with Jungkook who was currently being spooned by Taehyung.

They were all awake now but not a single one of them wanted to leave the comfort or warmth the bed and each other's arms produced.

So they all stayed like that for a good five more minutes before the sound of laughter returned, but this time, it was more distinguishable even though they had an inkling of suspicion that it was being muffled with a hand.

It was yours.

Not even a few seconds later, another hushed laugh reached their ears that mingled with yours, one they also knew belonged to Yoongi's.

Why on earth were you two awake so early today?

As if they all read each other's minds, they sat up in sync before heading downstairs to the kitchen quietly, heads peeking out from the doorway entrance to catch the endearing sight of you sitting on top of the counter right by the sink as Yoongi stood in between your parted legs, his fingers dancing along your sides to tickle you while yours were on his shoulders, trying to squirm from his touch.

Although your actions proved to be futile because you were laughing too much while Yoongi just continued to tease you and watch you with complete heart eyes as you tried to escape his tickling hands.

"Yoongi!" You huffed in between your giggling and poor attempts to dodge his attacks when he was inevitably caging you at your spot. "You're going to wake the others up!"

Yoongi snaked his arms around your waist, fingers teasingly tapping against your side near their location by your hips. "You'll be the one to wake them up, not me."

You pouted and crossed your arms before glaring at him, but by the smug grin on his face, you knew that your expression looked closer to cute than intimidating in Yoongi's eyes right now.

"And whose fault is that-" You were cut off when he surged forward, lips attaching to yours as he successfully cut you off, leaving any of the words that were on the tip of your tongue to die as he swallowed any possible remarks.

The three sneaky onlookers by the corner who were still watching had their eyes widening before a proud smile overtook their features at the scene before them.

The moment Yoongi's lips touched yours, your squirming came to an abrupt stop, body soon becoming pliant in his arms that cocooned your figure. A soft, muffled giggle slipped past your lips when he slowly pulled you closer to him, your bottom sliding down the counter so the two of you were chest to chest with each other.

One of Yoongi's arms let go of you to take a grasp of your chin and keep you there as he continued to lead the kiss, and finally, when the two of you needed to breathe, you responded by peppering his face with chaste kisses, earning an adorable, scrunched up expression from Yoongi as he stared at you with his gummy smile.

If this was a scene that they would get to see in the morning after they woke up, they wouldn't be complaining.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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