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"Well this is a nice sight to see right when I wake up," Hoseok said, voice low with his morning voice, arm over his face but could still see you and Jimin on your way to the bed, while his other arm was under and around Jungkook's sleeping figure that was glued to his side.

He marveled at the sight of you being carried like that in Jimin's arms, proving the point that you were in fact, their baby soulmate.

"Looks like Hobi hyung is already awake," Jimin gave a hint of a teasing smile. "Guess he doesn't need your magical wake up kisses to wake him up. Let's go to our sleeping Jungkookie instead."

Since you were still being carried by Jimin, you turned around to see the two of you going over to Jungkook's side of the bed. Hoseok watched with a firm pout when Jimin brought you down before you peppered the side of Jungkook's face with feathery kisses, fondly smiling when you successfully roused him from his sleep.

His closed eyes started to move, slowly opening and blinking a couple times, gaze on Hoseok because he was still glued at his side, before he laid down on his back to see your smiling face hovering over him.

"Morning Kookie," You said, pushing his hair back so that his forehead was revealed before you planted a kiss there. "Time to eat breakfast."

He rubbed his eyes and just as he was about to pull you down to lie beside him, Jimin - who he didn't notice was behind you - grabbed your hand and tugged you back. Jungkook whined and resorted in facing Hoseok again to hug him.

You gently took off your hand from Jimin and before he could protest, you strode over to Hoseok's side and kissed him on the side of his head. He felt it and put his arm that was covering his face to his side.

"You don't get my wake up kisses but you do get my good morning kisses," You beamed at him and gave him another one on his cheek. "Good morning Hobi."

Hoseok's pout disappeared and was replaced with a satisfied expression.

"Time's up! Hobi hyung and Jungkookie, get up and go downstairs. Breakfast is there," Jimin hastily kissed Jungkook's head and went to you and doing the same to Hoseok before he carried you again like how he had done earlier.

You automatically wrapped your arms around him and locked your legs around his lower back. As Jimin walked to the door, you were now facing Jungkook and Hoseok who had now sat up. They both smiled at you and you waved back before Jimin left to walk into the next room.

Jin's head separated from the pillow to see the same thing Hoseok had seen when you entered with you being carried adorably by Jimin.

"Well doesn't this look familiar," Jimin whispered seeing Taehyung sleeping and all cuddly against Jin who was awake. "Looks like Jin hyung won't be getting your magical wake up kisses like Hobi hyung."

You slapped his shoulder when he chuckled lightly. However, despite your several head nudges to Jin, Jimin walked to Taehyung's side of the bed and brought you down, urging for you to do the same thing to Taehyung as you did with Jungkook.

Sending a playful glare to Jimin over your shoulder, you softly went on the bed, and just as you were about to give Taehyung a peck, you yelped when he turned around and wounded his arms around you, tugging you flushed against his chest. Jimin was in the middle of making sounds of protests when Taehyung turned around, with you still in his arms, causing you to be sandwiched in between him and Jin - whose arms also wrapped around you, keeping you in their hug.

"We're not letting go until we get both of your guys' wake up kisses and morning kisses," Jin murmured against the side of your neck, sending goosebumps down your arms.

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