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You released a heavy sigh before placing your cheek on the desk, half your face being smooshed as you tried to mentally figure out how to finish this specific part of your assignment.

The movie marathon was finished and so is the weekend. Classes were resumed and since the professors hadn't assigned any homework or projects last week, they were assigning them now.

A knock was heard from the other side of your bedroom door.

Quickly, you rearranged your work table to look as if you had everything under control and knew what you were doing, before telling them to come in.

Yoongi came in with a tray of snacks and a cup of hot chocolate, seeing as how the weather was getting more chilly as the winter season fast approached. A small gummy smile appeared on his lips when you welcomed him with a smile, before he strode over to the side of your desk to place the tray down.

Walking over behind your chair, he peeked over your head to glance at the several sheets of paper in a neat pile, your pencils, pens, and highlighters were lined up nicely by the upper part of your table.

His eyes rove over the paper that was on top, rasing a brow before an amused smile made its way on his face.

"Struggling a bit over there?" Yoongi placed his hands on your shoulders before massaging them carefully.

An exasperated sigh left your lips. "How'd you know?"

"There's a little too much eraser shavings on your paper and on the table," He reached over you and wiped them away. "What do you need help with?"

Leaning forward and placing your head on your crossed arms, you said, "... Everything. I have no idea what to do and I have three exams in two days. I'm trying to do the practice questions but it's useless. I just don't understand the material well enough. And all of them are on the same day!"

You tangled your fingers through your hair and scratched your head in frustration. "Whatever I get, that's it. They don't give us exams to take away our worse ones either because they hate us. And they weigh so much for my report card."

He gave you a sympathetic smile, which you didn't see, but Yoongi gently grabbed your shoulders and pulled you back so that you were sitting straight back up again. Yoongi then handed you the mug filled with hot chocolate before planting a soft kiss on the side of your head.

"You won't be able to think if you're endlessly stressing about it. For now, you just need to take some breathers and let your mind rest. I'm sure it's fried from all the cramming you must've been doing," Yoongi watched fondly as you took small sips of the hot chocolate, eyes peeking up at him while listening to his words. "It's still early in the day, you have time later and we can try to help you, okay?"

You nodded, giving him a thankful smile before lightly blowing on the hot drink and taking another sip.

A small relieved sigh was made and you grabbed a cookie, happily munching on it.

Yoongi watched for another second before taking the pile of homework into his arms, walking away after he had given you another kiss on your head.

"Take your time," He said from your doorframe. "Head downstairs when you're finished eating, the rest of us might've figured out something by then to help with this."

And just like that, you grabbed your phone to listen to music for some time while finishing the snacks Yoongi had sent you. It was peaceful. You couldn't help but nearly fall back asleep, only managing to stay awake from the food in front of you and the homework you still had to do.

After a good momentary relaxation moment, you stretched a bit before cleaning up the snacks and bringing the tray downstairs.

Nearing the bottom of the stairs, you started to hear voices and soon, you could hear what they were saying.

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