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The seven remained frozen still, not moving even the slightest bit after hearing the words that has just come out from your mouth.

It was silent.

Too silent.

So you immediately backtracked, quickly waving your hands before covering your face, "Sorry, forget what I said. It's fine, pretend I didn't say anything...!"

You trailed off when a pair of hands wrapped around your wrist to bring your hands away from your face. Before you could say anything more, a pair of lips connected with yours.

Eyes looking up in the kiss to meet Yoongi's, you realized that he had crawled over to get to where you were.

He, along with the others, were clearly surprised after hearing you say 'I love you' to them, and were in a state of shock; but when their silence made you worry and had tried to take back the words that they had longed to hear after waiting for so long, Yoongi quickly reacted to stop you to put your worries at ease.

As he kissed you, your body became lax, before you finally started to kiss him back and you could feel the proud smirk he made after. His hands still holding yours relaxed as he intertwined his fingers with yours. Taehyung, whose lap you were still on started to massage your waist, making you sink onto his chest as Yoongi never relented with the kiss either, tilting his head as he opened your mouth with his, before sliding his tongue inside.

After letting him take control and nearly letting out a sound you knew the others would never forget and let you live down if you did make it, Yoongi's lips quickly separated from yours, and the hands that belonged to Taehyung that were slowly inching their way underneath your shirt to touch your bare skin, stopped.

The three of you looked behind Yoongi to see Jin holding the collar of Yoongi's shirt, while Hoseok and Jimin were pinning down Taehyung's hands to his side.

"As much as we all loved the show that we just witnessed," Jin started and you covered your face when the five momentarily turned to you before averting their gaze to Taehyung and Yoongi. "Don't get ahead of yourselves."

Yoongi frowned at Jin who let go of his shirt only to pinch his side, making the younger one hiss lowly under his breath. However he didn't say anything, knowing that he wouldn't be able to say anything against Jin.

"Y/N, sunshine?" You heard Hoseok say and you mumbled a 'yes' from behind your hands. "Can you look at us?"

You, still embarrassed, shook your head and kept your hands glued to your face.

It was silent until Jimin said, "How are we supposed to say 'I love you' back if you won't look at us?"

They saw your body stiffen before Jungkook took that opportunity to grab your hands and bring it down to your lap. Your eyes were wide as plates and mouth in the shape of a small 'O'.

"Wait, what...?" You managed to utter.

And without hesitation, all seven of them said in unison, "We love you."

Still frozen, they all grinned at the expression on your face.

"We love you, we love you, we love you, we love you, we-"

"-Okay, okay!" You interrupted them and gave them a half-hearted glare.

"Will you no longer take back what you said or do we need to say it 10 more times?" Taehyung propped his chin on your shoulder before turning his head to plant a gentle kiss on your neck.

You elbowed Taehyung. "I won't."

"Dang, we wanted to tease you more," Jimin booed and dodged a whack from you and Jin.

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