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"The aquarium?!" You squeezed his hand out of shock and excitement. It's been ages since you had visited the aquarium. Your dad had taken you and Min-jun there after a couple of weeks after that fiasco, when you were three years old. It's been nearly almost 20 years since then, and you never had a reason to go back — or time to go with anyone.

But here was Namjoon, giving you one.

And you couldn't be more happier.

"Please tell me you're not joking." You turned your body as much as the seatbelt allowed you to face him.

"And if I say that I'm not?" He hummed, and you just wanted to poke his dimples that faintly appeared right there.

I'd love you forever — is what you were going to say.

"Then I wouldn't let go of your hand for the whole entire day." You stated, nodding slowly as if you were also just processing what you had just said.

"Then I'm happy to say that I'm not joking, and that we are in fact, going to the aquarium," Namjoon grinned, making his dimples even more visible. "So you better not let go of my hand, okay?"

He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb, as he kept on driving. You smiled and nodded, making a silent promise to yourself that you would, in fact, not let go of his hand as you two explored the aquarium.


After parking, the two of you exited the car and just like you had vowed, you waddled over to the opposite side where Namjoon was currently standing, and cheekily grinned at him before intertwining your much smaller hands compared to his larger ones.

Namjoon looked down at you endearingly as he watched you looked at the entrance of the aquarium, the excitement evident in your expression. He could see a small smile tugging on your lips and with the way you were swinging your intertwined hands, you were itching with anticipation.

Without saying anything, Namjoon softly pulled you closer to his side, so that your arms were brushing against each other as you two walked, before leading you to the booth to get the entrance tickets. And just before you could take out your mini wallet to pay for yourself so that Namjoon wouldn't have to pay for you, Namjoon had already shown her two already bought tickets.

You gave him a surprised look and he replied with a dimpled smile, giving you a quick peck on the side of your head before he happily dragged you further into the aquarium.

Before you could ask him where he got those, you were shut up with the sight in front, and all around you of the place.

"Woah..." With a dropped jaw, you admired the interior of the aquarium.

" With a dropped jaw, you admired the interior of the aquarium

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