Track 48: Taming the Negallace

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Scott let out a huge sigh of relief as he removed his arms from Wallace's transformed body, a gentle smile tugged lightly at his cheeks feeling happy that his beloved was slowly calming himself down, recovering from what happened downstairs. Wallace glanced down at his hands, he was staring down at two black claws which looked wickedly sharp and long, resembling kitchen knives than anything else.

Just peering at his newly changed claws was enough to strike terror into his mind, Wallace covered his face with his hands and began to softly weep. Ink like tears pouring down his face as he shivered, almost like the room was a freezer. Scott continued to cuddle up to his visibly frightened beloved, allowing him to rest his head on his shoulder, Wallace himself felt cold so that might be a reason why he is shivering.

"Okay maybe the sick fucking monster isn't as sick as I thought it was gonna be" Neil finally spoke trying to hide his disappointment, expecting Wallace to hulk out and possibly destroy everything like he did with the NV fight.

"See I told you Neil" Wallace groaned softy as he warmly nuzzled Scott's chest "it's so horrible, I've became this abomination. All because of what horrible things that bitch has done to my beloved Scott, it makes my blood boil. I really don't wanna blame Gideon for all this because he didn't realise how bad of a situation this was and he'd hadn't seen her in ages and judging by Ken's reaction him nether"

"Wallace you're not an abomination" Scott cooed softly into Wallace's animal like ears "you're new form looks, like what Neil said, really cool. Nothing horrible or ugly about anything in your look."

Wallace's wings gave a little flap as he lifted his head up from Scott and sat up, letting out a tiny sniffle as he tried to get himself comfortable. His dark eyes focussed on the witch books on the desk, maybe there was something in there which could explain the new form. To Wallace, it felt completely different to the normal unsheathed form he'd seen Scott sport yesterday. Scott didn't have long talons or huge fangs, his wings weren't spiked ether and his fur wasn't messy, he was completely unsure what he'd became.

"Neil" Wallace asked politely "could you please grab one of those books from the desk over there and look through it briefly?"

Neil grinned widely and snatched the book off from the table "okay what do you want me to look up" he questioned skimming the pages

"Nega witches" Wallace said bluntly "there was something about them inside there and I need you to refresh my mind okay"

Neil nodded his head with a little "Ok" and began to flick through the book, hoping that he'd eventually come across a page with what he was requested to research came up "do you have a page number or anything" Neil muttered having difficulty trying to find what he was looking for.

"Not that I can remember" Wallace tutted as Scott picked up a couple of blankets and was already  in the process of wrapping Wallace up in one "I think that book might have an index if I'm not mistaken, if you can't find it, check the other books on the-"

"I think I might of found something!?" Neil exclaimed, his words edged on unsure though. Neil showed the page that he'd found to Wallace "I think this might be what we are looking for, page number 73, Negative/Nega Witches is that it"

"Looks like it to me, Neil" Wallace said with an affirmative nod "can you do me a lovely favour and read it out for me cuz my sight's not too good, I feel like it's gotten much poorer in this form"

"Really" Scott spoke up "how come?

"The atmosphere looks darker for some odd reason" Wallace drearily explained "I'm not sure why that is maybe it's fogged up due to my tears or something like that"

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