Track 51: Monster Battle

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Authors note: I just love how
Unrelated the drawing is to the chapter, but it's Scott and Wallace in their older interpretations so it's still good IG.

My newer interpretations are much better so look forward to that!

Long necked Scott and 2D hexagon head Wallace coming soon.

The pair of witches made their way, through the dark cave, the awful and overwhelming salty scent was slowly beginning to die down so Scott could remove Wallace's scarf from his neck and give it back to him. Wallace was trudging next to his partner, his hands in his pockets, his cat like eyes seemingly staring off into the pitch black void. Wallace's broad shoulders were presently brushing against Scott's sides. Whether that was intentional didn't necessarily matter. Scott carefully unraveled the scarf from around his neck and calmly handed it back to Wallace with a smile.

"Here's your scarf back, Wallace" Scott cooed to his boyfriend, Wallace took the long piece of fabric from Scott and placed it around his shoulders, he then promptly put his hands back in his pockets as an audible huff escaped his jaws. "You okay, you seem a little down"

"I'm good, Scott" Wallace whispered as he lifted his head up "I'm just.....reminiscing"

Scott pupils dilated "oh really, about what?" Scott placed one of his thin arms around Wallace's broad body to bring him closer.

"About my childhood I guess, living with my dad" Wallace muttered "you know the deal, I'm still feeling a little weird about it even as a 37 year old adult and I think I'm ready to talk to you about it since I'd think you'll understand"

"It's okay Wallace" Scott said lovingly as he kissed Wallace on the forehead causing him to purr "you can have a little sad moment with me if you really wanna"

"I'm not even sad" Wallace purred "I'm just a little eh, I don't know really but I know I'm not sad" Wallace then nuzzled up to Scott's chest, his bright pink lips were pressing up against the collar of Scott's funky jacket, his right ear was flicking like crazy "*ppppppuuurrrrrp is this enough to prove that I'm not sad, *prrrrrrrrr"

"Yeah I guess so" Scott looked down at his beloved witch partner and flashed a sweet smile, then Scott gently placed his hands underneath Wallace's arms and slowly hoisted him up for a cuddle, Scott then discretely gave Wallace a little kiss on the nose, before moving down to his sneaky mouth. Scott was enjoying how nice it felt, having Wallace's purring witch lips pressed up against his, he felt his ears twitch uncontrollably as his hair ends turned a very bright shade of deep magenta. Wallace stretched his sharp claws out so he could run his hands through Scott's wavy coloured locks, combing his claws through Scott's hair cause him to make a very odd sounding noise, it almost sounded like purring but something was not right, it was very very crackly but at least I was indicating that Scott was very content.

Scott removed his deep cherry lips from Wallace's, his brilliant amber eyes gazing into his boyfriend's hazel cats eyes. Wallace was still purring, his claws were still stroking through Scott's hair. Scott slowly placed Wallace back down on the cave floor and gave him a tiny peck on the cheek. He then adjusted Wallace's scarf from around his shoulders, Wallace flashed an almost wicked smirk, his sharp fangs seemingly becoming radiant, Illuminating the caves dark abyss.

"That was so pleasant" Scott wooed his hair still having its magenta ends, he ran one of his boney hands with stubby claws through his aforementioned hair as a tiny blush appeared on his face. Wallace's toothy smirks are enough to melt anyone's hearts, it was certainly making Scott feel warm inside judging by his face. "R-Really pleasant, W-Wallace. I'm glad that you're happy"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now