Track 2: Are You Sure You're Okay

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Friday 30th August
It was very late in the morning and Ramona had just woken up she slowly leaned over to the clock she had on the bedside table. Her cat, Gideon was next to the clock and he was sleeping peacefully. Ramona ignoring how cute her cat looked as he slept, noticed how late it was, she also realised that she had to wake Scott West up as well, so she reached out a hand and ran it gently down his back, Scott woke up confused and swiftly brushed Ramona's hand off his side. He didn't enjoy being touched.

"Just f-five more minutes please" Scott groaned wrapping himself up in the duvet.

"No Scott, we have this every single morning , you have to get up now because it's very late, also I need to make the bed" Ramona said sternly

"Eleven thirty isn't late"

Scott sighed and climbed out of bed kissing Ramona on the cheek as he did so, Ramona let out a small grunt but blushed a little.she forgot that Scott could be so delightfully awkward at times.

He walked downstairs hoping Wallace had a good sleep, as he approached The living room, where Wallace was sleeping, Scott  gasped at the sight he had just witnessed, Wallace had fallen from the sofa, he was lying on the floor ,unconscious and coiled up in the blanket.

Scott quickly ran to his aid,"Wallace!" He said gently shaking him multiple times in an attempt to try and wake him up, "Wallace, y-you okay?!"

Wallace responded by reaching out a hand from under the blanket hitting Scott  on the arm, Scott backed away in confusion and shock "Wallace what the actual fuck is wrong with you" but then he realised that Wallace might be having a nightmare and he was trying to fight back whatever was fighting him.

Wallace was writhing violently inside the blanket as if he were a wild animal caught in a trap set up by a hunter or a fly trapped inside a spiders web ready to be eaten alive. He looked distressed, even in sleep

"Leave, me, alone!" Wallace yelled as he was tossing and turning "I don't want you in my life anymore if you're gonna treat me like shit! get out of my head and stop hurting me!, it's very painful can't you see that! You probably don't care, you take pleasure in that! You,sick ,sick asshole!"

"Easy, e-easy" Scott said as he tried to pick up Wallace, he could not lift him high due to Wallace being constricted by the blanket. though they weren't same size, Scott being the much tallest out of the two, doesn't make him the physically strongest, . Scott could carry Wallace if he wanted to but it would not last long considering Scott's strength. Scott cuddled him tightly and wiped away some of his visible tears "i-its okay, i-it's not real,i-it's just a horrible nightmare, j-just wake up,please"

Wallace shakily opened his eyes and looked up at Scott, he was still shivering. Scott carefully let him go, gently dropping him on the floor. He smiled at him "you see, you're okay i-it wasn't real, i-it was just a bad dream"

Wallace slowly got up from the floor and touched his head, it was as if he was In pain. Scott West raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, Scott, I'm so sorry, I might of really badly hurt you, that was some nightmare"

"I-Is your head okay?" Scott asked

"Yes" Wallace sighed in annoyance "but I have a migraine"

"That's strange" said Ramona as she was walking down the stairs hearing the commotion "you probably are having a hangover or something"

"Ramona, Wallace j-just had a terrible nightmare" Scott said "I-I think he is a little bit shaken up after I-it"

"Scott I'm fine, I just have a small headache okay, you're dumbass fucking overreacting" Wallace said trying to calm everything down

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