Track 14: There is a Lot To Unpack Here!

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"Good morning boys" Gideon said greeting the pair as soon as they walked into the main room, "Happy Sunday"

"Happy Sunday" Wallace groaned

" what did you think of movie night?" Gideon asked

"It was amazing!" Scott said excitedly "apart from the incident, the movie was amazing"

"What actually was the that girl talking about, sneaking in when we were unaware"

"I think you really need to work on your security" Wallace sneered "or this wouldn't happen"

"It's not like it's his fault" muttered Maxwell

Wallace took a very harsh glare at Maxwell, Maxwell ignored him and continued eating his breakfast. Which was just a brown triangle of toast.

Scott sat next to Wallace at the table, he couldn't stop having that cute little smile on his face. Wallace smiled back at him "you're so charming Scott" Wallace giggled. Gideon gave, Scott and Wallace their food, which was the same as Maxwell's, Gideon also gave them drinks.

"Careful with this one Scott" Gideon said with a wink "we don't want another mess" then Gideon paused, he took another glance at Wallace.

"What the fuck do you want" Wallace growled

"You have wings" Gideon said in amazement "they're stunning, I did see that you had them out last night but you made the vanish before I could see them in their true beauty"

"Shit I forgot to hide them" Wallace thought to himself "yes, I have wings, I can hide them and show them. It's like a switch."

"Can I touch it" Maxwell asked

"NO!" Wallace hissed "especially not you, hedgehog looking piece of shit!"


"Umm, so uh, Scott how was your sleep" Gideon asked trying to break the awkward moment of silence

"It was lovely, I absolutely love the room and the bed. We still haven't finished unpacking yet, we're thinking about doing it after breakfast, we don't know what else we should do today other than that but I'm sure we'll think of something"
Scott felt Wallace lean on his shoulder, trying to sneak little kisses, without the others noticing of course. Scott looked at him and smirked. Wallace is really affectionate and loving, well towards Scott at least


Wallace sat on the bed, his wings giving a few tiny flutters. Scott brought a few of the bags closer, giving Wallace a small peck on his nose.

"We'll go through these ones first, okay" Scott said "I think they have mostly clothes in these"

"Clothing, belonging to whom" Wallace said "it's it yours or mine"

"Both of ours, sweetie" Scott chuckled patting Wallace on the back, he emptied the bag out one the bed and the pair began to go through it.

"Awwh Scott!" Wallace pulled out a bright multiple colours swanky looking denim jacket "I remember this from college, you would wear it almost everyday , and it still fits you" he gave the jacket a hug "aaaaaaaah so many memories"

Scott smiled at Wallace, he'd totally forgot about that funky jacket, he didn't know why he'd stopped wearing it.

"That's the beauty of going through, shit" Scott said "you always seem to find you older stuff and the memories return, some good some bad"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now