Track 29: Wallace Has a Plan

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Wallace lay Scott down on the bed, his Amber eyes glinting with pure joy as Wallace sat down next to him, gingerly running a hand through his messy hair, really enjoying his warm presence. Wallace's honey eyes were fixed onto Scott's gangling figure, he looked so calm and happy, totally different to his mood first thing this morning.

Scott rested his fluffy head on Wallace's knee, allowing him to be stroked like a sleeping cat. Scott wasn't sleepy however he was just a really relaxed, Wallace smiled at him softly as he gave his visible forehead a smeck.

"Are you looking forward to later" Wallace told him as he caressed his head

"Mmmm humm" was Scott's short but quite response "I know I'm not showing it but I'm really excited about this, every cell in my body is flowing with so much joy that I could probably power an entire city from it"

"That's good" Wallace said getting up and going through his and Scott's wardrobe, Scott sat up from the bed and asked him what he was looking for.

"Something else to wear when we go on our fun trip to the coffee shop" Wallace told him "like a coat or jacket or something to cover up the rest of my body"

"You had a hard time picking out a shirt this morning" Scott said sliding off the bed, almost accidentally slipping on Kinsey as he got onto the carpeted floor "would you like me to help you choose one"

"No, no it's fine" Wallace insisted "it's not like I have a vast collection of coats lying around in my wardrobe I think this will look good" Wallace pulled out a mustard coloured jacket with a sly smirk "going for this for a huge amount of contrast you feel me"

Scott nodded "oh I think that'll look incredible on you my prince" Scott then went through the wardrobe quickly "I have something that'll go nice for me too" Scott pulled out a deep red blazer "this would look amazing considering the colour of your jacket"

"You want us to dress like fucking condiment bottles" Wallace said before letting out a strong howl of laughter causing him to fall onto the bed, Wallace was literally holding onto his chest with tears streaming down his face. Scott stared blankly at Wallace thinking that he thought that his idea was completely ridiculous.

"Oh okay, I'll suggest something else if you don't want to go for the sauce aesthetic" Scott said a little disheartened as he put the blazer back into the wardrobe

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Wallace exclaimed just getting his breath back "that is an amazing idea, it's so cute yet so craaaaazy at the same time!" Scott smiled weakly at him feeling relieved that Wallace wanted to go with his idea.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you we laughing at me" Scott said with an almost forced chuckle, Wallace calmingly ran a hand down Scott's cheek, gracing his wispy sideburns. "Sometimes I find I hard to tell if you're mocking me or being serious, knowing you it's quite difficult 'cause your personality and the fact that you are cruel and-"

"You think I'm cruel" Wallace said smugly his nose just touching Scott's a wicked smirk grew on his face "whatever gave you that idea?"

"Ever since that time at college when you laughed at a four year old kid who slipped on ice just outside campus" Scott mentioned "any that time you purposely tripped that one student up, Oh and the fact that you, I don't know, verbally jab at literally everyone including me"

Wallace was silent for a moment, he scraped his foot against the carpet, covering his mouth with his hand, Scott hesitated for a few moments feeling a little worried, was Wallace actually realising that his actions were harming others. Scott was about to ask if Wallace was alright since he probably wasn't used to be talked down upon like that but his questions were answered when he started chortling again.

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