Track 44: What Are You Doing Out Here!?

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Authors note: I actually think this official  Scott Pilgrim art fits the au so well since Ramona is in the dark being all mysterious and creepy (I know Kim and Knives are there shush it's not about them)

I could probably redraw this in my own style...

Wallace had just finished his lunch after the call between him and his beloved had ended, he felt a bit sad that moment had drawn to a close so early but he knew that Scott needed to get back to work, going through crime files and taking pictures, all that good stuff. Wallace put the bowl that he had used in the sink to wash up.

"That was very nice" Wallace said with a laugh "can't really go wrong with seafood right"

There was an odd amount of silence in the room for a few minutes before Neil decided to speak up "I guess so, I'm glad you had a good meal, how was your phone call with your partner?"

Wallace smirked "it was lovely, Scott is such a sweet and loving dude, anyway I'm gonna go on a little stroll to walk of my lunch and enjoy the fresh air. Anyone wanna join me"

"Sure I will" Neil volunteered "plus I would be able to hunt for Gideon since he's mysteriously vanished for no apparent reason"

"Don't even bother looking for him" came a husky voice which both Neil and Wallace knew came from Maxwell "I don't even care if that monster is dead. I'd rather him gone than having to worry about getting killed every minute"

Wallace shrugged "dude I think you might need some bandages or something to cover up those horrible scars, or maybe we could use it to cover up your mouth so you wouldn't disrespect my fucking friend" Wallace angrily snarled and Max causing him to recoil back into his seat, his remaining eye was beginning to tear up

"Actually Wallace that's not a bad idea" Jackson agreed "he should have bandages on, I think Gideon has some in one of the drawers by the sink"

"You're seriously agreeing with him" Maxwell said shocked

"If you don't want to get an infection then yes" Kendall told him "we're not gonna bandage up you mouth if that's what you're freaking out about, that's just Wallace with his evil ideas"

"So I guess we're leaving now" Neil said not wanting to start confrontation

"Yeah we're gonna head out" Wallace noticed the discomfort in Neil's body language and the pair made their way outside. Wallace gently placed a hand on Neil's shoulder, in an attempt to make him feel a little bit better.


Wallace looked up at the clear blue sky, the air smelt very fresh since it had just stopped raining, making the atmosphere of Gideon's garden to have more of a wild vibe. Wallace ran his hands against the bark of a large oak tree, it's branches stretched out as if it were in need of a hug. The leaves growing on the branched were beautiful, brilliant orange browns, it reminded Wallace of his dear beloved, since his eyes and hair shared the exact same pallet.

"I hope you don't mind mister Nordegraf" Wallace addressed Neil as he continued to stroke the tree, his claws digging into the rough bark, causing it to split apart in his hands. "I'm gonna take a little nap up here since it's the middle of the afternoon and I'm feeling very sleepy all of a sudden. Well I always feel sleepy around this time"

"Umm sure" Neil said a little confused "you can go do that since your feeling sleepy, I'm just gonna search for, Gideon since I'm really worried about him"

"Dude I'm sure he'll be alright" Wallace reassured him as he clambered up the tree and lay down on one of the thick branches "to be honest, I think he's probably gone for a walk just like us since he's always out on his little strolls. From what I've heard he's a huge fan of traveling, maybe he's gone traveling"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now