Track 42: Ready For Work

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Kinsey lifted her head up from Wallace's knee so that he could get up from the bed. Wallace watched her make her way over to the corner of their room. The gryphon curled her little body up into a ball so she could rest.

"Kinsey is so cute" Scott whispered as his eyes fell onto the owl cat hybrid "like the way she folds herself like that with her wing hugging her body, so cute"

Wallace gave his own wings a little flutter as he got up from the bed, the shadow witch slowly walked towards his beloved who had gawked over his familiar, that familiar which he was considering sharing with him since their bond was growing at a rapid pace. As he approached Scott, Wallace crouched down, his giant wings resting on his broad shoulders. He gently cupped his hands around Scott's light crimson cheeks, forcing his Autumn amber eyes to glance into his own.

Scott slowly moved his head foreword, discretely touching Wallace nose tip with his own causing Wallace to smile, his his sharp canines peeking out from underneath his fuchsia lips, almost as fuchsia as the canines themselves, okay not that fuchsia that's a bit far. Scott closed his eyes as he took in the presence that was crouching right in front of him, he reached out a hand to stroke Wallace's long dark strands, for a quick refresher over how nice his hair felt through his fingertips.

"Scott" Wallace cooed soothingly almost like he were his father "I think you might need to go to bed, since you have work in the morning and you need to get up early"

"Oh.......... Shit" Scott groaned "I forgot about my job" he let out a deep sigh as he pushed himself up from his seat, Wallace's hands letting go of Scott's face as he rose up from the carpet.

"You'll be okay" Wallace reassured him as he placed his hands on his shoulders, not letting him leave his haunting gaze. "You'll be alright, if you ever feel stressed or lonely just text me got it, just like what happened today"

"You literally were the one who gave me a phone call saying that you needed me to comfort you" Scott informed him "not me,but I think I might need you since, I don't really like it there and everyone is mean to me and I would rather be with you and my best friends or family than inside that shitshow"

"If you wanna vent to me, that's fine" Wallace cooed again "I'll always be there and I'll always listen and if I don't respond I'm probably asleep, if I could sleep that is, for now I can't go to sleep without hearing your voice"

"Ohhhhhhh, Stooooooooooooop!" Scott whined "shut up about my voice, it fucking sucks okay, I sound dead!"

"It's hard for me to not comment about it Westy" Wallace giggled running a finger down Scott's beaky nose "the more you whine about how much you hate your voice I'll just continue, going on about it more and more, until you eventually go 'huh, I guess it ain't that bad' and start loving it as much as I do"

Scott breathed as he returned back to stroking Wallace's lengthy locks "well it's worth an attempt I guess" Scott told him his fingers tracing Wallace's face after he had done with his hair, moving them down from his forehead to his thin sideburns. "At least there's someone who thinks my voice is nice, right, or am I just that weird one who hates it and most people think it's cute"

"If only that were the case" Wallace muttered hatefully "you were bullied into hating it at college, you were teased and called rude names and you were lucky I were there to stand up for you since literally nobody else would" Wallace gritted his teeth as he stepped back a few spaces, a fearsome growl bubbling in his throat "I'm starting to wish I should of beaten all their fucking asses, they would of deserved it for how they've treated you"

"It's okay Wallace" Scott cooed patting him on the shoulder trying to soothe him "it's in the past now, they've possibly matured now and you might not even see them ever again after college"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now