Track 25: Its Alright

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"Can you tell me what happened" Wallace asked as he gently removed the blanket covering Scott's body, Scott's eyes were bloodshot from crying too hard.

"I don't know how to describe what happened to me but" Scott sniffed "I felt a huge emotional break down when you and Max started arguing"

"Was it all just a little bit too much for you to handle" Wallace said reaching into his coat pocket and handing Scott some tissues "Scott I'm sorry, I didn't know you were just as emotionally unstable as I am, I should of known that, I'm sorry I'm such a bad partner for causing fights"

"You are not a bad partner Wallace" Scott told him "you're just a little misunderstood, to yourself and others. I just need to not express my emotions too much or... He'll come back. I'm so glad you didn't let him get out of control"

Kinsey crawled out from under the bed, her beady eyes looking on at the pair comforting each other, Kinsey felt confused as to what was going on as she leapt onto the bed, squawking loudly to get their attention.

"Jesus, Kins" Wallace groaned "I'll pet you in a moment right now I'm dealing with this. As you can probably see, my beloved is feeling a little distressed right now so I'm just gonna try and make him feel better"

Kinsey jumped off from the bed and began rubbing her body up against Scott's leg, Scott cooed at the fact that she could understand the situation.

"Look Scott, Kinsey is helping" Wallace chimed as he stroked Scott's hair "it's nice to see some colour in you floofiness"

"Yeah I know" Scott grumbled as he sat down on the bed "that... Thing drained all of the colour and the life in my body, all of that for a chance to fucking express myself with something more than my WORDS!" Scott collapsed onto the zebra sheets, his entire body felt exhausted. Wallace came over and joined him, he pushed Scott's glasses up his nose as he saw that slowly sliding off his face, he noticed that they were slightly fogged possibly because he was crying.

"Scott, it's alright" Wallace said calmingly as he ran a hand down Scott's tear stained cheek "if you ever have a strong emotional outbursts you can let it out when I'm around, my shoulder is always available for you to cry on"

"This is probably how Ramona feels right now"
Scott grunted "she's probably sobbing over what she's done"

"Scott please, fucking shut up about toothpaste hair" Wallace snarled "she is faking it"

"But, proof?!"

Wallace bit his lip "umm, I need no proof, she's clearly playing victim, I can smell her lying through my fucking phone"

"Did it smell like, toothpaste" Scott asked "like her hair"

"I don't know, did her hair smell of toothpaste Scott" Wallace asked

"Probably not, I don't really remember, I don't think it smelt of toothpaste it probably smelt of something completely different"

"Flowers?" Wallace suggested

"Yes that's her last name, Ramona Violet Flowers" Scott answered, not actually understanding what Wallace meant " funny how her last name is Flowers and her middle name is Violet which is also a flower that's really strange"

"No need to get philosophical here, Scott West" Wallace joked poking Scott in the chest "is just a name, I actually changed mine so it doesn't matter"

"Why did you choose Wallace as your name?" Scott asked curiously

"Because it was the first name that crawled into my eight year old brain" Wallace sighed "I know it's weird how I can remember my memories all the way back from when I was much much younger, half the shit is what people told me and the rest is just a blur."

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now