Track 4: a Light-Hearted Party For Friends

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"A Party?" Wallace questioned

"It's Not really a party," Scott said putting his hands under Wallace's chin "it's just you me and Rammy possibly getting drunk, with a bit of music playing in the background if you want, I'll make you feel way better trust me, I'll work, I promise"

Scott West playfully winked at Wallace, Wallace could feel his cheeks burning up, Scott Pilgrim is so cute why couldn't I just say that I really loved him but he doesn't love me, he would not love me, he would get annoyed if I said it. He is probably as straight as a stick, a board, a piece of dry spaghetti. I wish he would notice the fact that I'm not joking around anymore. Wallace thought to himself as he tried to cover up his huge blush.

"Ahhww, I think you've embarrassed him sweetie" Ramona said noticing Wallace's failed attempt at covering his red face.

"No it's.." Wallace said before stopping himself  "idiot there was your chance and you foolishly missed it" Wallace continued his self deprecating thoughts "whatever he'll never love me anyways"

Wallace never really understood why he never said he loved Scott West,he knew that Scott had already been in a relationship with Ramona. Wallace was completely unsure about Scott's sexuality and he did not really show that much interest in him, he always feels a little irritated and annoyed when he calls him hot and every time he hinted at him fancying him. Well there is one thing Wallace is missing, if only he knew what Scott West used to do every night when they still slept in the same bed in the same apartment when they were in college, then he would not have to worry.

Scott  also didn't want to admit he had a small amount of feelings for Wallace, he felt it would be embarrassing, for him and for Wallace himself. Scott  just wanted to be straight and he'd been struggling with his love and sexual life ever since he was twelve, Scott  had a strict family and he went to a very Catholic school so he  manly chose to go out with girls but Scott also noticed he was developing some sort of "good" emotions when looking at some of the males as well, Scott did not recognise his emotions as love and didn't really know or understand what bisexuality was, well he was only a naive twelve year old with strict parents and a religious school so don't blame him.
Scott's mother was very harsh, she would constantly have a go at him for his interests. She hated the fact that Scott loved unicorns and other equines, he thought they looked beautiful and cool the female implications definitely went over his head, his father however wasn't strict at all and was supportive of Scott's obsessions. If only he were still around when he started secondary school.

The day Scott found out that he had feelings for Wallace was when it was winter time and the weather was extremely cold and cruel. Snow caked the ground in thick blanket of ghost white and the wind was howling like a pack of wild and hungry wolves. Due too the freezing weather Scott  had to cuddle up to Wallace just to stay warm as if they were two tall penguins huddling together, in the chilling, stormy wind of eternal winter in the South Pole. Scott did not realise how much he enjoyed cuddling up to Wallace, it felt surprisingly comfortable,warm, relaxing, he enjoyed that feeling so much that he became addicted, like a drug, now he cuddles Wallace every single night, trying his best to not wake him up so he doesn't catch him in the act. The cuddling wasn't to do with the cold anymore, considering the fact that the weather was much cooler at times and sometimes they had to sleep on top of the bed covers to stay cool, but Scott  continued to snuggle on top of Wallace, just so he could feel Wallace's sometimes naked body up against his.

There was also that one time Scott and Wallace almost kissed, it happened when they were at college and they accidentally bumped into each other in one of the corridors, their lips gently brushing together for a small moment. Both of them knew that it was an accident, and it left Scott  flooding with apologies and Wallace responding with "that's okay,guy, mistakes happen",little did they know that they both enjoyed it, the feeling of their mouths touching, they would of wished it had lasted longer.

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