Track 36: Grave Discoveries

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"Good morning,Wallace" Maxwell cooed as soon as Wallace entered the living room, his expression was gaunt as his heavy eyes looked on at Maxwell, abhorrence clearly visibly aflame.

"No" Wallace sneered with loathe "I'm not having a good morning, well I was until I remembered that you're here and guess what, if it weren't so fucking obvious from all of the other times I've seen you, I fucking hate you!"

Maxwell nodded his head "yes I gathered that" he then looked behind him for a few moments, Maxwell raised a questioning eyebrow "where's your little sidekick at, he's usually walking after you. Is he that timid that he's hiding away"

Wallace let out a seething hiss as he gave Max a harsh slap across the face causing him to fall back in shock, he was not expecting a physical attack from Wallace. His green eyes flashed with surprise, his jaw agape, he reached out a hand to rub his flared up cheek which was bright red and stinging.

"Don't you ever call him that you worthless withering weasel" Wallace growled through keen canines "now will you quit bitching about the fact that my beloved is doing something which doesn't revolve around me and tell me something... Where the fuck is Jackson!"

Wallace's honey eyes darted around the room as he came to the realisation that Jackson wasn't present, only Neil was there sitting peacefully eating toast. The lack of Jackson in the room  seemed to enrage Wallace even more.

"Who?" Maxwell choked, his voice trembling under Wallace's wrathful gaze. Then without warning or hesitation, Wallace grabbed ahold of Maxwell's collar of his shirt, propping him up against the wall. Maxwell was shivering in horror as Wallace pressed his forehead up against his own forcing his eyes to meet Wallace's.

"You know what" Wallace said in a very sinister tone "I getting really sick of you if you hadn't of noticed" Wallace's grip on Maxwell's shirt tightened "I think I should describe the little shit if that helps. He's the new guy, he was here just yesterday, if that helps. You better fucking tell me why he's absent or I'll devour your fucking life essence! Is he busy playing with his fucking Mega Blocks or some shit like that!"

"H-He's...... S-s-sleeping" Maxwell squeaked fear leaking into his words "g-go find G-Gideon, h-he'll tell you m-more"

Wallace let Maxwell free from his tight grasp, he stared off into the distance taking in what Max had just told him, Wallace took in a deep breath to try to calm himself down. Sleeping, Jackson was sleeping. Why, was he a late riser. This was getting ridiculous.

"Gideon's in his study room in case you're wondering where that dude is" Neil told him after he'd finished his breakfast "by the way did you just fucking threaten to eat Maxwell?"

"Umm, you'll never know the answer to that" Wallace chuckled "so Neil, since you're less of a total son of a bitch, can you show me where Gideon's study room is at cause I've only been here for a week and I'm still kinda new. Asshole didn't fucking give me a proper house tour"

"It's just through that door over there" Neil said pointing over to a dark brown door just on the right side of the bench "you can clearly see it but I really don't think he'll be ready to answer any questions though since he's well, studying. In the study room"

"Okay thanks Neil" Wallace said as he strode away like a proud peacock, giving Neil a like punch on the back to probably say we're not friends and I'm still mean. Neil was of course very confused by Wallace's actions but he knew it was best not to question it.

Outside the study room

"Gideon!" Wallace yelled as he banged very aggressively on the door "FoxFace! Let me in!"
A few moments passed before Gideon finally opened up the entrance to his so called study room. Gideon had a very surprised and perplexed look on his face, confused as to why Wallace was so livid.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now