Track 35: Nerves

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AN:Before we start, I have decided on using my art as a background now to make the fic more personal? If that's the right word. This piece in particular is like a half Nega-Scott type thing, I have no idea.

Wednesday 4th September

Scott awoke with a very strange feeling coming over his body, no it wasn't anything negative of the sorts but it just felt incredibly weird. Scott blinked for a few moments to try and focus his eyes, he then came to the conclusion that he was actually in bed, again strange, Scott had remembered that he was on the balcony seating area last, did he suddenly drop unconscious.

Scott looked down to see he had been bundled up in many blankets and quilts to keep him warm in the night, he also could feel something furry inside of the covers. He was still in his clothes, his fur coat, his jeans his everything. Scott felt confused but very relived that Wallace knew that he wouldn't feel comfortable with someone undressing him. Speaking of Wallace, where was he, it was very odd seeing him absent. Scott tried his hardest not to be worried since Wallace might of left the room to ether use the bathroom or he was downstairs having breakfast. Having this mentality made Scott feel much calmer, knowing that Wallace was safe from any particular danger.

Still feeling very drowsy, Scott reached out a hand to feel around the edges, his fingers touched something warm,fluffy and alive. He quickly jolted his hand away from whatever was next to him, anxiety kicking in since he was to tired to register what was going on. A head popped up from the mass of fur and feathers which made Scott breathe with relief. It was just Kinsey resting next to him, her tiny wings fluttering as she chirped with happiness, feeling happy that Scott was awake.

"Kinsey" Scott said with a yawn as he sat up from the bed "do you know where Wallace is"

Kinsey didn't answer, which was what Scott was expecting really, from a gryphon who could not formate sentences. She scratched the back of her head with her talons, styling her feathers to make herself look appealing.

"Okay thanks for your help" just then the door slowly began to creak open as, you guessed it Wallace entered the room. Looking a little surprised to see Scott awake but he was happy nonetheless, why wouldn't he be.

"Oh, good, you're awake" Wallace said with a mouthful of what Scott had assumed to be his breakfast "I didn't expect you to wake up this soon, how long have you been up"

"Umm, about ten minutes" Scott groaned as he rubbed his back to try and relax his stiffened muscles in his spine. "Where have you been?"

Wallace swallowed down his food before answering Scott's question "oh I was actually just out for a big stroll, you know, nothing really that special. I got myself some breakfast as you can probably tell by me eating as I entered our room" Wallace walked over to Scott and gave him a nice welcoming and a good morning kiss on his forehead brushing the messy hair away so he could locate it. "How was you rest Scott?" Wallace asked his voice changing so he could imitate Gideon in a mocking manner "any interesting dreams"

Scott stared blankly for a few moments, placing a finger underneath his chin to wipe up some of the drool which had been stuck to his lip "no not particularly" Scott said his eyes still looking incredibly spacey "umm, I can't really recall what happened, there were no unicorn, no butterflies, no fences or anything" before Scott could continue on with his explanation a sudden chill slipped down Scott's blood. "He was there" Scott said blankly "he was taunting me, saying that very soon he'll come back, he knows exactly when to do it and he has planned what he's gonna do when I become him yet again, when he takes over my body"

Wallace sighed and gave Scott a tight hug, his clawed hands sinking into Scott's coat, still feeling just as warm as it did last night. "Aww guy" Wallace said feeling extremely guilty for leaving him when Scott was having nightmare "did he give you the time of when he's gonna do that, so you have time to prepare yourself for him"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now