Track 6: "Are You Lost?"

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Author Note: this is where it gets weird, fasten your seatbelts

The pair continued to walk through the endless wood. Their expressions both blank. Scott paused his walking for a few moments before sitting down on the ground. Wallace noticing this stopped and looked at him

"Um, Scott what are you doing" he asked him, curious to know what he was up to

Scott glanced at Wallace in an excited way "I-I've just remembered, that it stopped raining, y-you know what that means right"

Wallace stared at Scott slightly confused "what does it mean"

Scott stared at Wallace, a grin formed on his face "the worms are out"

"The What" Wallace was even more befuddled "Worms?!"

"They are out" Scott fiddled inside his pocket and pulled out the pocket knife, he used it to carefully dig through the dirt. Pushing the mud and soil to try and find worms. Eventually, Scott found one, pushing its little pink body through the wet surface. Wallace found it a bit strange how Scott seemed to be interested in the earthworms but he knew that most people have odd things that they like. He knew that Scott was obsessed with unicorns so I guess worms are another obsession too. He found that to be weird but tolerable.

That was until Scott licked his lips. Maybe this wasn't really a love obsession

"I-I'm gonna make a pile of them here" Scott said pointing to a small space just a couple of centimetres away from the hole, he pulled out the worm which had first poked its head out to breathe " Mmmmmmmm, you look like a nice one, nice and fat, yummy delicious dirt, dwelling, prick!"

Wallace froze "you're kidding" he chuckled nervously "you're fucking kidding me right, you're not gonna actually eat those, are you?"

Scott chuckled along with Wallace before saying "yes I am going to eat those, t-they will be my dinner"

"You always eat that shit?" Wallace said curiously " that's fucking bananas!"

"No those are worms, they are different to bananas, despite them both being long and edible organisms, bananas are fruit and worms are an invertebrate" Scott said, Wallace's exclamation going over his head "oh and yes I do eat them, I-I actually prefer them over normal food" Scott continued to dig through the earth to find more worms

"Scott how long have you been doing this" Wallace asked even more curious

"For as long as I can remember" Scott responded pulling out yet another worm "I think I've started it when I was about" Scott hesitated for a few moments letting a worm crawl over his finger before it clicked in his mind and flicked the thing into the pile that he was making "you know I honestly don't remember, maybe thirteen, I'm not sure my memory is very fussy, I'm not good at remembering shit if you haven't noticed"

"How come I never saw you eating them at college" Wallace asked

"I-I was sneaking them in" Scott said "I-I ate them when you weren't looking"

Wallace smiled "oh, that makes sense, understandable because I would make fun of you for that, anyway I'm gonna do it now, Scott you're eating worms?, that's fucking disgusting, are you a bird, because that's what I'm getting here"

Scott held up a worm in front of his face by the saddle, licking the worms head and giving it a little suck when he dangled it closer to his mouth.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now