Track 30: Into The Coffee Zone

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Wallace had slipped on his mustard leather jacket and the pair of lovers we're ready to leave to have their first actual date, ever since they were first together as a couple. Scott seemed to be very excited about it since it was the first time he'd went out with someone other than Ramona, maybe his experience might be a bit different from what he had previously.

The atmosphere outside was quite pleasant, there was a nice cool breeze in the air even though the sun was out, the bright orb peering in through the curtains of white cloud. Secondly, the streets of the town that Scott and Wallace were walking through didn't seem as busy but the people who were out and about gave the two very suspicious looks, Wallace shot daggers at almost everyone they passed who dared to spare them a glance as a wordless threat to get them to mind their own business.

Wallace enjoyed having that power, it made him feel proud making people afraid of him. He walked with his head up high like a proud peacock as he strutted along the pavement, his honey eyes narrowed in a smug glare as a wicked smirk was attached to his face. Scott on the other hand walked with his head down low and his shoulders were slouched and his walking was quite slow and zombie like. It was as if Scott was taking a walk of shame as he felt like the people were looking at him, he knew they were talking about him, their mutters and murmurs to each other, spreading gossip. It was as if he were stuck in a shark tank.

"Is that the guy who set fire to that vegetarian restaurant a couple of months ago?"

"Really, that's him, are you sure"

"He matches the description of the suspect, 6'11 slightly muscular, white,male, fluffy hair, short facial hair just like that."

"That could of be anyone"

"Didn't he also burn down that one shack or am I thinking of someone else?"

"Yep that was him, not sure if it's the guy were looking at though but the connections are slowly coming together"

Scott breathed as he tried to quicken his pace so he could walk along side his beloved, Wallace glanced over at Scott with a sympathetic look.

"Guy, I know how it feels to be a publicist" Wallace told him "people spreading rumours like butter on white bread, that is just how cruel people are"

"But Wallace" Scott muttered "they aren't rumours, the Nega-Scott took control of me and did those things. They have to gossip about me, the only reason I'm not arrested is because there isn't any evidence I've committed arson, they were right that could be anyone" Scott huffed as he lifted his head up, with some effort, "I thought this was gonna be relaxing but no!"

Everyone was staring after Scott yelled that statement.

"Would you guys just kindly fuck off!" Wallace snarled "go and do you jobs or something and quit staring at my boyfriend" Wallace let out a very threatening hiss as he coiled his arms around Scott almost as if to protect him

"But your boyfriend might be a criminal" said one tall blonde lady, her voice trembling as she cowered under Wallace's hateful gaze.

"Oh really, then is spreading misinformation a crime too" Wallace hissed causing the lady to flinch "innocent until proven guilty, also I just want to say that your collarbone looks delicious" Wallace purred "if I weren't going to a coffee shop you would of been my lunch!"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now