Track 39: Cynicism

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"What the fuck did I just peruse with my own two eyeballs" Wallace gasped his voice wavering, his fingers grasping the paper tightly, causing it to crinkle. "Like, seriously what the fuck did she just pen down, it's literally giving me fucking goosebumps"

Wallace turned to glance at Scott, since he had studied the letter alongside his beloved and curious to find out his thoughts on Ramona's note. Scott was seated on the bed, his body was still and inelastic, his expression was as gaunt as ever with his eyes seemingly starring into space. The only movement that Scott made was the slight motion of the lips as they were quavering as if he were frozen up.

"Scott?" Wallace churred leaning towards his partner, who was clearly much unsettled by Ramona's words. Scott rubbed his eyes for a few moments whilst letting free a few splintered whimpers, sounding a dog with a very sore throat. "Are you well, is your mental state not pulled down by imperilling letter written by a bitch who is probably hiding in the shadows not actually willing to throw hands with me and just stabs into the fucking void"

"N-no" Scott cried as he suddenly grabbed onto Wallace's arm, clenching his fingers tightly around it. Scott flung his eyes shut as a cool sweat poured over his body. "W-why, why did she do this" Scott wheezed trying his hardest to not panic, brilliant sliver tears began to hare down his cherry red cheeks as he tugged Wallace's upper limb.

"Those are what kind of texts she's been sending me" Wallace added sharply "I've absolutely had it with that, that CRUEL ASSHOLE BLATANTLY THREATENING AND, IVE EVEN NOTICED, INSULTING YOU IN AWFUL WAYS EVEN I CAN NEVER SAY. UNDERESTIMATING HOW INTELLIGENT YOU REALLY ARE!" Wallace yelled causing Scott to let go of his arm and hide under the blankets, his sobs being muted by the weighted fabric. Wallace cleared his throat as he gently lifted up the blanket that Scott was concealed under, his horrified glassy eyes looked up at him, pools of grey still present under his eyelids.

"Scott I'm sorry I lost my cool there a moment ago" Wallace said soothingly, to show Scott that he's in safe hands, running a warm hand through his hair "it's just that, I'm sick to death of her just cautioning us like that, especially when she brings you into this as if you're some kinda fucking trump card"

"I-I feel so t-trapped, Wallace" Scott stammered, his peepers not leaving Wallace's loving face "I feel like.... I'm in some kinda  cage, some kinda prison that she'd mentally locked inside. I haven't realised until a few days ago, when I told you about the fire and the birth  of Nega, how bad Ramona really was when we were dating. I've always thought that was how love was, a battle over who loves the other the most since she was the person I've fallen for the longest since the others were all big red flags but why couldn't I see them on Ramona"

Wallace tenderly kissed Scott on the forehead, desperately trying to console him, soothingly fondling Scott's long wavy locks knowing that that was the best way to relax him.

"Hey Scott, do you know where your iPod is" Wallace softly asked, giving him a little kiss on the cheek. Scott lifted his head up and pointed over at the clothes closet.

"It's in the pocket of my grey hoodie" Scott murmured, his voice like the Sahara "you know which one, what are you gonna do with it?"

Wallace got up from Scott and smirked down at him as sweet as Apple pie "you'll soon find out Westy" he vocalised "you'll find out"

Wallace sauntered over to the clothes closet digging through the pockets of Scott's hoodie to find his device, the bright purple iPod with the earphones permanently wired in, the wires were a little intertwined but that didn't matter, they were still useable. Wallace then wandered back to Scott and flopped himself onto the sheets just next to him.

"I got it" Wallace chimed "now Scott could you sit up for me please?" He asked in a sugary manner. Scott of course obliged to Wallace's orders and located himself at his broad shoulders. Wallace gently pushed Scott's curls behind his ears so they were into view, Wallace then touched his bird like nose with his own, knowing full well that was one of the many things that Scott adored.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now