Track 33: The Wrap

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Wallace's eyes glanced over at Natalie as a small amount of dread stung in his chest.

"Hey!" Natalie yelled again as she walked away from her co-stars to where Wallace was standing "Did you not hear what I said asshole!" She sneered "You took something from me that was very important and I'm not afraid to tear you to shreds to get it back!"

"Oh so you actually wanna kill me?" Wallace said snarkily as an evil smirk grew on his face which seemed to anger Natalie further "I'd like to see you try" Wallace then began to circle around Natalie with his sly struts "can I ask you a little question, imagine this being like an interview for this awful film. Can I please sharpen my claws on your dress, because your style matches your personality to a complete T from what Scott told me, completely fucking shitty" Wallace then suddenly burst out laughing, his cackle echoing through the air.

Natalie growled as her emerald green eyes suddenly turned into slits "you, dick!" She snarled as her painted nails slowly turned into sharp claws "you'll pay for this!"

"Man those special effects are so cool, Scott" Neil said in awe as he placed and arm around Scott's shoulder

"T-those aren't special effects" Scott stammered, his eyes suddenly welling up with tears "I imagined the worst, that she was a actually witch too and it's all true"

Natalie suddenly telekinetically lifted Wallace up into the air by his throat, cutting Wallace's evil laughter to a close. Natalie grinned cruelly as Wallace placed his hands near his neck grunting in agony.

"You thought those posters were lying about me being a witch, thinking it was just me acting" she chuckled watching the other witch suffer at her grasp "well it's all true, I am a witch! And I always have been!" She then slammed Wallace into the ground. Her eyes gleaming with joy as she lifted him up again "it's so fun being a witch cus you can do cool shit like this" she then pushed Wallace into the lights which were placed tidily above the backdrop,knocking them down into a pile on top of him, glass shattering in the process.

"Wallace!" Scott cried as he rushed over to him, he held his arm in his hand to help him stand up "are you alright?!"

"Yes I am fine" Wallace groaned in pain as he rubbed his back "your ex is pretty tough holy shit" Scott quickly checked him over, making sure Wallace did break any bone, the fragments of the glass were stuck to the fibres of his coat preventing them from piercing through his flesh, this made Scott breathe with relief that his beloved wasn't mutilated.

"Can you feel your limbs?" Scott asked cautiously, giving him another once over, to make sure he really wasn't completely injured.

"If my limbs were broken I wouldn't be able to stand" Wallace told him as he brushed off the glass from his coat "I think I'm okay, but I feel like my arms are bruised but not broken"

"Would you get out of the way" Natalie snarled at Scott "I don't think you've noticed but your friend and I are in the middle of a *ahem. fight"

"Oh really" Scott said in false surprise "I hadn't of noticed, I guess I'm just gonna have to sit and watch you to fight, *sniff, it's fucking amazing you throwing him around like that"

"Get the fuck out of my way before you get MANGLED!" Natalie yelled causing Scott to flinch, his knees giving a little tremble "I DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH TWO PEOPLE AT ONCE OKAY!"

"Miss Adams" said a member of the crew, giving her a small tap on her shoulder "how long are you gonna be, we're thinking about shooting our next-"

"Oh don't worry it will not take long!" Natalie groaned "I'll continue when this little pest gets out of the way of the one I must destroy!" Scott sighed knowing that it would probably be really dangerous for him to just stand there in the middle of a war zone, he slowly traipsed back to where the others were to keep a safe distance for what Natalie was doing. Natalie suddenly started clawing at Wallace, her sharp talons slicing through his pale skin.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now