Track 27: I'll Make Sure Everything's Okay

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Tuesday 3rd September

Chills ran down Scott's spine as he woke up suddenly startled,his amber eyes discreetly opening up, he felt a cold sweat run down his back as his legs trembled. Scott's heart was racing as his throaty breaths began to kick in. He looked down to see Wallace still cuddling up to him, his head buried deeply into his chest, snoring resonantly, Scott tried his hardest to fall back to sleep but the visions of his dream he had before hand kept on playing in his mind like a projector viewing a grotesque horror film.

Scott slammed his eyes shut, flopping his head against the cushion but nothing could work, he could not stop thinking about what happened. Scott lay there as still as a statue, as little pools of tears began to form around his eyes.

"It was just a dream" Scott whimpered quietly "it was only a dream, she'll never do that to you" he moved his shaking hands downward so he could carefully stroke Wallace's fluffy wings, as a way of comfort. Wallace will be awake soon, he'll be the perfect person to talk to about that terrible nightmare.

Slowly but surely, Wallace opened up his eyes, his beautiful wings fluttering as he woke up. The first thing that Wallace saw was Scott appearing to look distressed. Obviously the first thing that crossed Wallace's mind was to ask him if he was okay, which to Wallace's concern and curiosity Scott didn't respond, only with little murmuring cries.

"Lemme guess if you're not gonna tell me" Wallace cooed as he shuffled up the bed, his eyes sparkled in Scott's vision which was blurred due to tears and the fact he wasn't wearing glasses. "You had a nightmare?"

Scott nodded his head, covering his face with his cold hands. Wallace ran his comforting paws through Scott's messy hair to try and calm him down, making little shushing noises whilst doing so, just like what he did to him when he had his nightmare at Ramona's house.

"Would you mind telling me what happened in your dream?" Wallace asked softly giving Scott a tiny kiss on the head.

"I-It's to disgusting to describe" Scott cried "it was so scary, I, I'm so glad I'm still living" Scott removed his hands from his face. he began to hug his own body as he continued to sob loudly

"You dreamt that you were getting murdered?" Wallace asked "Jesus, from riding on pretty unicorns and eating butterflies to this, oh how things escalate" Wallace wrapped his arms around Scott's body, hugging him very tightly as Scott slowly began to feel undisturbed. He knew that Wallace was there, he knew that Wallace would make him better.

"How was your rest anyway" Scott asked Wallace as he stroked his black hair, Wallace lifted up his head from Scott's chest as he smiled, he could tell that Scott was calmer now. He ran his hands down Scott's chest as Scott sat up, he was still cocooned in the blanket that Wallace had coiled him up in last night, so he didn't expose too much of his undressed torso only his shoulders and collar were visible. Scott reached out an arm to put on his glasses, which were resting on the bedside table, so he could see Wallace more clearly.

"I had a great nights sleep Westy" Wallace cooed dreamily "I wish I could say the same for you"

"Hold up, Westy" Scott noticed in confusion as Wallace instantly began blushing "is that a new nickname my prince oooooooh" a smirk spread across Scott face as Wallace stammered

"Umm, well if you don't like it that's fine" Wallace breathed "why must you make me so flustered like that guy" Wallace sighed as he got up from Scott so he could get dressed.

"Wait" Scott blurted "I-I love it Wallace, I'm not offended if you call me that, it's- its cute" Scott was getting nervous, he slowly began to undo the blanket that was hiding his shirtless body as he was beginning to get a little bit to hot underneath the large weighted fabric.

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