Track 38: I'm Sorry, I Just Don't Understand

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"Hey, Hey my sleepy prince, I'm back from my little adventure" Scott cooed softly as he entered the room he shared with his aforementioned so called "sleepy prince". He said his greeting quietly just in case Wallace was still asleep which, on close inspection when Scott approached the bed, he was.

Wallace was laying down on the untouched sheets, using both wings to accommodate them, he had one wing folded over his body like a blanket and one wing under his head as a pillow. He looked so warm and cosy underneath those huge fluffy feathers that it was no wonder Wallace was still snoozing, Scott knew that him falling asleep quickly was his doing but he shifted the blame onto Wallace snuggly appendages.

"Wallace Wheldon" Scott sang soothingly as he ran his gentle fingers through the witch's soft feathers "I'm home so I can sooth you" Scott gently kissed Wallace's wing, he knew it had only been an hour since they've seen each other but he did miss the feeling of his plumage against his crimson lips.

"Your wings are so fluffy" Scott uttered burying his face into Wallace feathers, Wallace's heavy eyes slowly opened as a purr vibrated through his brim. His beloved had returned from his walk and he was giving him some love, a weak smile pulled against his lips as he lifted his head off his wing so he could stretch them out.

"Oh you're waking up" Scott said surprised
Wallace turned his body over, his massive wings opening up as wide as the could go, with a huge yawn escaping too. After Wallace did that, he glanced over at his Scott, still purring loudly. Scott could tell by those sounds that Wallace was making that his beloved was very happy to see him.

"Did you get a good rest?" Scott asked as Wallace changed his position so he could sit next to the one he loved most, nuzzling his cheek.

"I sure did" Wallace responded, itching his feathers "I feel pretty chilled out now, my wings make excellent blankets as you probably know already since you actually slept underneath them almost every night now but you just have other blankets piled up over you, I just use my wings only, nothing else to cover my body besides the clothes on my back"

"Yeah your wings are something alright" Scott said whilst pulling Wallace in to his chest for a tight hug "*mmmmmmhhhmmm, I've missed you" Scott murmured "your nice huggable chest and your big fluffy wings"

"Scott it hasn't been that fucking long, chill" Wallace said his voice shaking a little "not like when we haven't seen each other's since college" Wallace sighed, knowing that his beloved had the mentality of a four year old so of course he would've probably missed him, it was adorable but slightly irritating but Wallace loved it anyway.

"Ummm, sorry?" Scott chuckled, releasing Wallace from his grasp "I just got a little too, excited, I know you can't hear it in my voice but I'm actually really really thrilled to be here and normally when I'm overwhelmed with that thrill I start overreacting with my words and actions"

Wallace placed his hands on Scott's little hills of shoulder, his honey hazel eyes met Scott's smokey sunset causing a minuscule smile to creep into his lips.

"Don't worry Scott" Wallace reassured "I understand where you're coming from, I get like that sometimes too, when I get too excited I say the most outlandish and fucked up things without even realising it, the only times I have control over what I'm spewing out is when someone cuts me off, unfortunately this is quite rare"

"Oooh" Scott said biting his lip "that sounds bad, much worse than my case, so you aren't really a dick for the sake of being a dick it's just how your brain proses what's happening or am I missing something out"

Wallace bit his lip, almost accidentally piercing the bright pink flesh with his elongated fangs "umm Scott you actually got a tattoo" he awkwardly sputtered trying to change the subject, Scott took a glance at his neck placing a hand underneath the wrapping to show off his inked quaver.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now