Track 10: You Really Are Not Bad

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Authors note: I really likes this picture Kay Bye

Wallace Wells sat on the bed as Scott pulled one of the bags over and lay it in the middle. Scott placed his hand inside of it and pulled out a large tin box.

"Here is where they are" Scott said dumping the bag on the carpeted floor, the tin had a fancy looking Chinese dragon on the lid, it was breathing out beautiful fiery patterns which made it look very aesthetically pleasing to the eye

"Where the unicorn thingys are" Wallace said admiringly looking at the artwork

"Yes" Scott said opening the tin, Wallace smiled when he saw them, all lying together inside the box.

"Where should we put them?" Wallace asked

"On the dresser, I guess" Scott pulled out a bright lavender unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail, standing proudly with his head up high "this is the one you wanted to see yes"

Wallace smiled "yes that's the one, Manebow we called him"

Scott placed Manebow on his bedside table "here is one of my favourite ones, Spurky" Scott held up a winged unicorn with a bright grey mane with lighting bolt patterns on its legs

Many figurines later Scott had emptied the tin, and neatly decorated their dresser with the unicorns that came out of it. It looked so pretty.

Wallace looked at Scott for a few moments before Scott suddenly remembered. "Oh my project, I need to show you it" Scott opened the cardboard flaps to reveal what was inside the box.

There was a lot of stuffing, so much so that Scott had to dig through the cloud like object so he could find the rest of his project. "Here" he said handing Wallace the far from finished unicorn plush. "I also have a sketch of her at the bottom" he pulled out a rough drawing of what Hershey Kiss Nips was going to look like.

"She has ummm tits ?" Wallace said pointing on the drawing "like is that what those circle things are, is that why you called her that"

"Well umm yeah, that's why she's called that" Scott said running his hand down his muscly hips, Wallace's eyes followed his hand, his waist slightly looked out of place but he really didn't mind. "It was originally gonna be a guy but I didn't really feel comfortable with making it male because of the name, it didn't suit it at all. it turns out it didn't feel right so it's a girl now."

"Wow cool backstory Scott," Wallace said giving Scott a pat on the back "if you could call it that"

"Why am I making this" Scott groaned staring down at the box his stomach beginning to spin rapidly "I'm a guy who is gonna turn thirty four in a years time, why am I obsessed with horned horses. Am I not masculine enough? I mean I have the.... The parts and I feel that's only it,"

"Scott this is a mature fanfic you can say the "P" word"

"I did, parts"

Wallace groaned "No,no the other "p" word"


"Whatever, just,just continue"

"Okay, I am a man ,just apart ,from my tastes, that's where the problem resides" Scott said smiling weakly "I mean, It's not like I don't like male targeted things, I love video games. I enjoy being, a quirky guy,I just wish I was, you know, more masculine, I'm just some hourglass beanpole. "

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now